Ant seems to be a little moody tonight. Lashing out.

23  2016-07-14 by SteveTech74


Anthony Cumia is so straight that he'll let Sue Lightning fuck his asshole in order to prove that he won't get hard

if he gets hard its only cause he finally found that gun down the crack of the sofa...

That sounds like a Gavin bit #proudBoiz

I remember when people sold me on Twitter by saying it would connect me to all my favorite people and hear their unfiltered thoughts.

Twitter really did ruin everything. O&A really owes its overall downfall in both format and content to Twitter. Dumb rambling psychos like these need to be boxed in and only allowed controlled segments to communicate with an audience.

Twitter & Obama getting elected generally ruined Opie & Anthony, respectively. Starting in like 09, slow burn and the smoke from which choked us all.

Anthony's the type of guy who should have worked his anger out in fringe chatrooms and separated it from his public life.

You gotta keep em sep-er-ated.

Ghostbusters prop.

You could see it coming when they leaned heavily on Instant Feedback and then Paltalk.

i.e. when they got lazy as fuck.

The response of a genuinely funny person--not a raging, narcissistic alcoholic.

This is one of his go to rebuttals.. He did it to me when I said hisTwitter feed was depressing.. Then he blocked me

For once I agree with him.

Oh you....😂😜✊🏽

Edit - don't down vote knickers.. He's a sweet boy

Nobody should be untouchable. Anthony has claimed it's ok if they're 13 even.

Of course he thinks he's hilarious, he has a pack of middle aged losers and leeches who laugh at everything he does, tongue wash his balls and tell him how great he is no matter what.

I wonder if they got together and decided on a quota for the number of times a day they should remind everyone else how jealous they are.

I can think of allot of things I would do if I had a couple million, and not one of them is spend all day blocking people on twitter.

Anthony if you were still funny I would still be a subscriber but you aren't. Just go die now.

Dying would be the funniest thing he's done in years.

Tell Keith to pull out the hookah. Ant is going to repeat the phrase "I'm Dicis" while staring at himself off camera and bobbing his head up and down. Topical and hilarious tss.

I defended this guy for a long time but he isn't funny anymore nor trying to change things up. If not for Gavin I would have left his network.

He wasn't blocked because later there is another tweet he replied too.

He's hilarious but more and more like Bobo and less like Bill Burr.

If being lectured about FBI stats and the oncoming race war aren't the thoughts of a humorous man then I don't even know what's what anymore.


I can't believe all the trolls I attracted after that.

A Sex With Jimmy Tranny Challenge. And a truck load of Bud light.


Anthony would still be a broadcaster if he just did the smart thing, and posted those thoughts to Stormfront under an assumed name.

twas social media that killed the beast

I'm sure he is. He's being fingered in a major terrorist attack.

He's right though. I heard that the other day he saw a commercial with a chimp in it and he was like "hey I didn't know Obama was giving a state of the union tonight!" and Joe and Fred from Brooklyn and Steve From Bayshore were HOWLING

Hey Kyle, you don't need to have your period unless the @ mention is the first thing in the comment. The purpose of it is to make it so the period is the first thing rather than the mention, so when you have a bunch of words already then that has the same effect. Bye

You gotta keep em sep-er-ated.