Ant must be back on the sauce

0  2016-07-14 by Z7ZZ77Z


This is a miss

You can't just take any news story and try to make it work. I don't think "ant" has gotten a dui. Or been to france. It's too much of a stretch and it screams "thinking about anthony cumia all day"

Well, aren't you just the Gene Shalit of shit posts.


there is an art to it

are you going to defend this faggot


They can't all be winners.


The fuck is a lorry? And why is this on a news site for big black cocks.

A lorry is a truck you fuckin tard.. Try learning the language or fuck off back to your own country

English scum. Go drink tea and watch your economy sink into the toilet, you limey fuck. Get off our message board.

I'm not English you ignorant fuck.. There's more than one country in England fuckface

Welsh fuck. Go back to fucking sheep and trying to decipher that gibberish you call a language.

That's better.. Diolch yn fawr

I think they were trolling the English with that one..

There's more than one country in England fuckface

I can't believe you had the nerve to call me the tard.

I was playing on the American ignorance that England is Great Britain.. stupid

Fucking towel heads.

He took a right and ended up in France.

Some of the videos coming out over at r/news are horrific!! Dead bodies, pools of blood, people crying over dead loved ones.. This one is really really bad folks

Makes you remember to never leave home without telling your loved ones how ya feel! Love you guys.

NSFW Jesus Christ, you weren't pulling my pud. This one is no joke.

That's the one... You should mark that very nsfw.. It's disturbing

good looks

I still shot my load.



Anyone else see the irony of a city called Nice getting attacked?

English scum. Go drink tea and watch your economy sink into the toilet, you limey fuck. Get off our message board.