There's nothing worse than when someone on the show says something like "That was some great radio."

17  2016-07-14 by throwawaymanthrows

Tits is the primary offender, but I've heard Norton say it too.


Dassabesdo, self congratulating and shit...

if he says it over and over and really believes it .. one day ... it will be true

This always manages to make me angry no matter how many times I see it.

my wife died. But of course there's nothing worse than a shitty deejay ruining comedy gold by pointing out it's great radio.

This guy gets it.

she could've just divorced you, jeez.

she was such a sweet selfless angel that she knew it was better to leave me a widower than a divorcee

How did it happen

But if they never said it how would we know?????

Don't you understand if the OpesterTM doesn't congratulate himself no one will?

There is certainly much worse that could be said.

Like "Starting today, Opie will be going solo."

Ding ding ding!

Gooood mornin.. We got sherrod small and vic Henley in studiooooo


This is how we're different than other radio shows!
