Jim Norton is currently a part of the 3 worst shows I could possibly imagine.

0  2016-07-14 by BucketOfDirt

An old man whose life is a self-admitted mess hosts an advice show where he proves himself to not only have zero answers to his own problems but he lives such an abnormal life that he has probably never had to face the problems that normal people have when they call in. Rather than ever attempting humor, he answers all questions literally.

A weak, marshmallow-bodied midget who is the walking antithesis of an athlete hosts a sports show dedicated to a topic that has proven for years to bring out the worst and most boring form of Jim Norton.

And my favorite disaster, Opie and Anthony without Anthony, where his co-host actively hates and tries to eliminate what few sources of Jim's humor are left, where Colin Quinn, Patrice O'Neal, Bill Burr, and Louis CK have been replaced with Sherrod, Vic Henley, Mark Normand, and Jim Florentine.

What will he do next?


The advice show is really bad. Why would anyone want relationship advice from Jimmy? He's had like 2 girlfriends his whole. Life



The UFC podcast is decent. The problem is that Jim shouldn't be the lead guy. He's trying to be play Opie's role and his own role as the facilitator and the comic relief while Serra kind of hangs back and is the fighter who breaks things down and brings up his own experience. Doesn't help that Serra constantly mispronounces words when he talks and stops over and over again to make fun of himself for saying shit wrong (i.e-"I love the show 'Game of Phones'....oh shit I did it again. I'm such a dumb ass".)

Jimmy isn't quite suited for the role especially as the two guys try to jump around from topic to topic and talk about as much and do an interview in a one hour podcast. Plus the live reads are abysmal. They do like 2-3 live reads for underwear and they keep trying to bring it up casually and repeating "this isn't a live read, this is us being serious about how awesome the underwear is" which means its probably a live read.

5/10 so far but they've only done 7 episodes and can hopefully get better.

So they were able to get podcasting equipment into the city?

Jim Norton sucks.He needs to go,another fuck who lost the funny.......

jim is trying to ad some substance to his body of work b4 he dies, however he is unaware of what is substantive