Ant's Tweet Distribution by Time - I took Ant's last ~1,300 Tweets and graphed the time of day they were made

25  2016-07-13 by Wolosocu


We know 6am is the perfect time to rob his home..

Right in the middle of the Bud Light-induced coma.

No, no. He went to rehab for 30 days and doesn't drink anymore.

Actually it's been speculated that he may not be sober!

Plus he'd still be groggy from a fistful of xanex

Whilst being gently spooned by Sue lightning

Spooned by Sue feat. Anthony Cumia™

Bud Light and Xanax, Ant is a middle-aged house wife.

Those hours look like either the hours of a teenager on summer break from high school or someone who's heavily drinking.

Perfect for both Ant and his trists then.

Really Big Crummy

tryst, dipshit.

It has to be one of the gayer words in the English language, the fact that you know about its proper spelling and that you are even policing spelling in the first place says a lot.

Really Big Crummy


This is amazing. He goes to bed around 3am, sleeps a healthy 8 hours, starts tweeting, does his show at 4pm, tweets until 3am.

For comparison, here is the data of the last 1,300 (or so) Tweets for all three of them:

Jim Norton is a goddamn vampire

Does he sleep at all?!

Also: Opie lives a normal life

Jim Norton is a goddamn vampire Does he sleep at all?!

Worms don't sleep.


you are a god, did you do this by looking at those thousands of tweets? or with some sort of program?

A simple Perl script and Google Sheets is all it took.

tss more like perl necklace tss

this guys fawkin gud!

This is too generic to come to any solid conclusions. We need more data. How does weather affect this cycle, the seasons? What effect does race specific news events have? Get back to the spreadsheets.


I'd be more curious about the dates he tweets most on. I have a suspicion they cluster around particular events

My God.....the autism is strong in this one.

He made a graph.

Spooned by Sue feat. Anthony Cumia™