Ants podcast really putting up some NUMBAHS

5  2016-07-12 by EncinoEscobar


He had this sub by the balls. Everyone supported him from summer 2014 to spring 2015. He miscalculated with "greggshells". Even though we all hate Opie, we liked Anthony less after that because it felt like the show we all enjoyed for years was one big fraud. After greggshells, KtC promoted the fake Bennington signing, doxxing, the Dani arrest, and the rest is history


You know, you're probably right.

excising? who uses terminology like that? are you a surgeon? there's a terrifying thought.


Nobody here came out and said "oh, well, guess the show was one big fraud" after that.

He just validated, in a fairly direct manner, what everyone had thought: Opie was a passive aggressive, pissy cunt and working with him was not easy at times.

Nobody was liking Anthony less after that. People achieved full-erections when he credited this cesspool for coining the phrase Greggshells.

Now I am a faggot for debating engaging you in why Ant "lost his grip on the nut sac of this sub"....or whatever the fuck it is you're saying. Thanks.

We all loved greggshells, but I think it was the start of when eventually the sub turned on Ant. It slammed the door shut on any chance of reunion, and made the two of the sound like phonies that did it for the money. On a deeper level, you'd resent both phonies, not just one.

Now I am a faggot for debating engaging you in why Ant "lost his grip on the nut sac of this sub"

It was the cum gargling that made you a faggot.

You're right - everyone loved him even more for Greggshells.

What exactly is the issue some of you had with Greggshells episode?

Just wait until the NY studio is up and running.

But he's had the studio for like a year now and his audience doesn't seem to be growing at all

oh literal....nevermind.

Im a moron. Does that say 74 people liked it and ~2k downloaded it or am I reading it wrong?

If thats 2000 downloads for one week thats actually a lot more than I would have expected, or does that mean something else?

Hey, remember when he had a radio show, and instead of "best ofs" they would do "worst ofs"? That was pretty clever, right?

Only a subhuman piece of shit animal would ever get arrested for domestic abuse.

If he didn't choose periscoping millennial's for girlfriends then this shit would have never left his house.

Oh dear.

This is so sad.

You spelled hilarious wrong

When was this "best of" released?

I see 2k plays.

Please say this has been out since laat year, updated with each week's "best of" -- and he has a total of 2,000 downloads. Florentine is catching up. Best tell Keith to get his negotiator hat on.


its fucked up that he made 17 awful facebook posts episodes, what was he thinking lol

That is from one app I believe. Just to give some perspective rogan gets like 12 million views an episode and on the same app it says 650k.

what app is that

Looks like podbean

Isn't Tucker Mark a better user handle?

To be fair, those certainly are numbers

He still has the Skanks logo.

96 of those downloads were me

2,000 plays for a best of really doesn't seem that low. At least he's doing something to promote to outsiders. That last episode he streamed for free on Facebook he admitted to fucking an unconscious girlfriend. Way to real in the casual audience Ant...


and that's pretty funny/stupid to admit to

Thanks for the spelling lesson on my typo fuck face. Go swallow cyanide.

ok I wanna hear that episode

95% sure it's the one with Norton, Florentine and Jameson. Not sure if it's on youtube or not. Overall it's a great episode.

95% sure it's the one with Norton, Florentine and Jameson. Not sure if it's on youtube or not. Overall it's a great episode.

Looks like podbean