Geoffrey Arnold is certifiably insane

11  2016-07-12 by I_Hate_Knockers


i love this new O&A subreddit story arc: beef with the pathetically self-conscious dopes at /r/short . So pointless and silly. Just because one half of the radio duo that had a marginally popular show once stands at 5'4".

Are you talking about Ant or Jim? To be fair Anthony is actually 5'5".

Silly half man boy doesn't realize that he'll start pulling 6'4 caliber tang if he participates in #nowanks

That was awesome.

Really Big Crummy

I borrowed my grandmothers shitty little old car once. I was pumping gas and this really short guy, maybe 5'4, pulls up in a new corvette beside me with a hot bitch beside him. He gets out, sees im really tall and driving a shitty little car and says "Nice car bro" to me while his gf giggled. I was fucking furious so I just pointed at him and started laughing and mocking him out for the 3 inch heels on his boots. Judging from the look he gave me, if he had a gun on him he would have shot me in the face.

Tldr; short people are angry as fuck.

Those poor midget fucks are insane. Someone needs to pick them up and throw them into a wall, like a dart.

I even tried to unite us with them, in our war against Opie and Anthony; but no dice:

I appreciate your efforts

Was I right, then? You guys suck at trolling, honest.

Anthony Cumia is 5'4" too so don't feel bad.

Well there it is. The most autistic thing I've ever seen.

All the height in the world can't undo whatever that was. Poor little guy.

Which thing? The long-winded diatribe about being tall or the fact that somebody went through a year of posts to find it?

I dont know dude, when you find a particularly crazy /r/short member their shit is pretty fun to go through...for example this lengthy piece about the heightism in Broad City. near the top of his submitted posts. I could see it being entertaining looking for long ridiculous posts

His ' and " keys must be tired as shit.


Actually you didnt have to look back a year, Uncle Geoff brought it back up a few months ago:

Read your history...

Ooohhh shit in yur face


Not being able to reach shit off the top shelf really does a number on those faggots.

What were you doing on a year old /r/short post

Geoffrey is royalty here, you out of the loop bastard.

I look away from this sub for like a week and there's a new obsession? He doesn't even have anything to do with shitty comedians from a dead radio show.

He's even better. He's an angry midget who is a target for literally no good reason.

I'm reading his comment history right now and it's hysterical. He's an angry, tiny proud boy.

The post linked at the top is funny enough, or at least it's intended to be. Maybe not by this sub's standards, there's no part where he calls a baby a nigger and fucks it, but in normal people world it's comical.

He wants to be Malcolm X for short people and its hilarious. I dont care how it was found or why but its the best thing /r/OnA could be doing.

If I was 6' 4" for a day

And I vant a toilet made of solid gold but It's just not in the cards now is it?

Good one, Dracula


The flairs on that sub got a nigga ribs hurtin' today.

What the hell did I just read?

If you want to fuck with another self hate sub try r/hapas

A Subreddit devoted to providing a safe space for Eurasians to discuss the unique challenges of being children of White Fathers and Asian Mothers.

Shit, how many extremely specific subtypes need their own hidey-holes for their self-pity parties?

The fuck is next? /r/CNPILIA: Canadian Native Pacific Islanders Living In America for discussions on the trials and tribulations of being a pacific Islander who emigrated to the US from Canada?