Erock had a hissy fit because someone took his comic book posters down

13  2016-07-12 by Dennyislife

This manchild is in his 40s.


That's 3 hours in the basement tonight playing with shrink wrapped ninja turtles.

Hes not alone. Most people our age are grown children and live at home. Hes relatively normal for his age

Pretty cool, huh?

Erock is a fucking loser. Everyone says he's great because he got shit on so much and didn't have meltdown. While it's true it was fun to hear him shit on but it doesn't change the fact that he is a disgusting person that has no self control or any of the qualities that people develop when they become adults.

He collects children's toys, he goes to family functions and orders summer slam ppv on his phone and drinks his coke zero while every other person does what grown adults do. He comes up with the consumer as a way of justifying being a fat hunk of shit slob who eats treats everyday.

On top of all his manchildness hes arrogant and thinks he is a talent. Which could only happen by being around someone as talentless as Opie for so many years and seeing him have success.

Just wait until he gets that movie written, buster!

I'm glad someone else kind of disliked him. He only took that much shit because he had no choice but to. People like Sam could jiu-jitsu it back onto the shit-talkers. Not so with Erock.

Plus, he tends to come off a bit slimy with his weird vagueness. Everyone who works with him seems to become very frustrated with him very quickly.

One of them, either Sam or Travis, mentioned Erock likes to hang around people he can kind of push around the way the guys push him around. You can hear it here, with the dismissive way people call him on his shit and the infamous "come back here and shut up" thing. When he knows, or doesn't think, that he'll catch a bashing, he seems like he'd be a real shithead.

It blows my mind how every comment of that video is in defense of Erock being late all the time for no reason.


He rode a fucking boat to school!

he still has the bikini girls on his screen though

Hopefully his wife wises up and has her tubes tied so pelican neck can't spread his seed

If be pissed too