My name is Luchana Gatica, and I suffer from severe 'daddy issues' - Anthony is flirting up a storm

1  2016-07-12 by [deleted]



What a fucking loser Fred from Brooklyn is

If you showed Ant's mugshot to anyone who didn't know who he is (99.9999% of the population) they would almost certainly think he was a drunken bum, arrested for pissing in the street while yelling at pigeons.


She must really hang dong.


Explains why every post she makes is utter garbage. Bonnie and Rich were right women aren't funny.



post your tits or please leave


This shit is internet 101. "tits or gtfo". Stupid bitch.


I hope you get raped.

Also covered in Internet 101.


Now show us your tits.

through all the years of hearing about Bobo's dick I never actually saw a photo of it.



I think you're loying


She's very handsome.


Not really to do with this but I like how Ant will block someone but it all just gets posted here then he gets mocked for it.

No way Ant could pull her.


Haha true.

She has a jaw like a steam shovel

If her penis is bigger than Sue Lightning's then Anthony is all in, or rather she'll be all in Anthony.

Harry armpits, ants type.

Really Big Crummy
