Normand is not very bright..

1  2016-07-12 by RamonFrunkis


I dont know how anyone can muster an opinion about that tweet.

It's a throw away and so is /u/RamonFrunkis

My account is two years old. I wish I could throw you away... ah boo.

I like tuddles

I liked Normand... but his schtick is not meant for the long term. He's like Fruit stripe gum.

Dassa Zero.

And then his friend fell out of the closet...

It just wasn't a great joke, have you read his other tweets? Most of them are pretty funny.

I feel the same about mimics.

Do you expect biting social commentary? He does one-liner type jokes. I thought all three of those tweets were decent, not home runs, but at least funny observations. Maybe I relate to him in a weird autistic way that you don't