
40  2016-07-12 by [deleted]


I want Norton to succeed for the sole purpose of making Opie feel inferior.

"I dont need you Jimmy"

"I needed you that day, when I was crying sniff, but trust me, I don't need you Jimmy"

"You say odd shit to people, dude"

Edit: thanks CIAshill18081990


Like what?

What do you mean, "like what?" Like that.


if norton was half as honest as he pretends to be, he would have made opie cry that day

fucking pussy

hey what's that in reference to? i keep seeing it but I somehow missed this. is it a recent thing?

Don't shows always shoot to the top when they first come out?

Pardon My Take is great.

Really happy PFT came to Barstool. Loved the psychic interview

That wasn't one of my favorites tbh. I couldn't decide if that chick was for real or what.

I love Michael Rappaport on there. That dude is nuts and clicks with them really well I think.

Yes. Part of the algorithm includes that if you increase your subscribership more than another show you jump ahead of them... so a show that has millions of subs might fall behind you if you gain 5000 subs in one day and they only gained 4000. It's easier for new shows to gain a ton of subs in one day.

Worth mentioning that it was endlessly promoted on the UFC 200 pay per view last week.


Nah. I think the UFC intentionally leaks news through them. They'll keep a following that way.

thats one of the reason they made this podcast i would say, they cant control FATK and other media so they made their own, remember that MMA analyst said they are company whores

I hope for Jim's sake it succeeds.

I have no ill will.

They look like two faggots into scat play. Which is like two Jimmy's, so no thank you.

7 or 8 shows isn't quite "first come out". If it was going to be a stinker, we would know it by now. Sometimes not everything these guys do is going to be shit. Give credit where credit is due.

But.. he's not allowed to host other shows.

lmfao totally forgot that lie, wormerson is always a victim

I liek teh ufc podcast

Oh yeah? well i got my own reddit account...

Pardon My Take is tremendous.


What kind of program does Opie think he could do without funny people surrounding him? With Ant and Jim he'd have been the ultimate Jocktober.

I wonder how much Jimmy gets paid for that doing that podcast. My guess is not a lot. It's only 2 shows per week. And the UFC is notoriously cheap.

they paid their friends good, ppl dana white likes gets a lot of $$

I started booing when I saw the previews for that during the fight.

Everybody looks, is or sounds like a faggot in that image.

Jimmy looks like he's being prison raped.

Keep Hammering sounds like a gay porn and Cameron is a gay name.

Bill Simmons is a dumb faggot.

Ric Flair looks like he's holding his mouth open for Arn Anderson's cock.

And if you have a mustache you're either a Friend of Uncle Paul or like men shitting logs into your mouth.

Do less.

Bill Simmons is a dumb faggot.

I love basketball, but the bill simmons circlejerk in r/nba is nauseating. he's a basketball loving version of jim where he's great at basketball but has this pompous annoying attitude talking about anything else yet he's so desperate to crossover into the mainstream like tits where he keeps trying to veer basketball into talking about the kardashians and politics....

Fuck anybody who likes Boston teams.

I hope Tom Brady gets cancer.

You mean you never liked it when Bill Simmons would compare NBA players to characters on Beverly Hills 90210 or contestants on MTV's Real World/Road Rules Challenge?

He's much more intelligent than Norton and much more mainstream than Opie.


Keep hammering is a podcast about bowhunting. He's been on rogan a bunch

That you, Florentine?

iTunes podcast rankings are irrelevant

On the contrary.