Jimmy is pretty awful on ufc unfiltered

31  2016-07-12 by MLBbrain

As jimmy likes to say to anyone that is one upping him in a discussion "you are panicking", all he does on that podcast is panic.

Todays show alone he was unbearable the first 10 minutes freakin out where don frye was, even though the show had a guest on. Serra not so straightforward told him to calm down.

Of course jimmy had to ask don frye and griffin what their thoughts were on the whole sex before a fight were. Is there a fighter he has not asked that?

The best part of todays show was frye being a dick to him the whole show, even though jimmy wanted him on asap the whole time before.

Jimmy got in his im gay, no just kidding jokes in.

Hate to say it, but as a host who interacts with the guests more, jimmy is no better than gregg. He asks dumb questions, and takes himself too seriously.


I listened to the Mike Judge interview and Jim had a total Opie moment:

Mike Judge: I've been into MMA for a while, actually, since I grew up in Albuquerque...

Jim: Hold on, before you finish, I want to ask you about Albuquerque, I was there for the second time ever recently. It's a creepy place. I got weird vibes there.

And then Mike never got to finish his MMA/Albuquerque anecdote.

Here's that MMA fight scene that Mike Judge talked about between Ranger and Yogi Bear.


This is why Adam Carolla is so good at radio. His number one rule is: be neutral, don't have an agenda. The funniest people don't have a prepared thing to say. They size up the situation and go with whatever works best at the moment. Basically the opposite of what Opie does.

This is also what makes Ron Bennington a good broadcasters, and an even better interviewer.

I've also been listening to some old Loveline episodes lately and Adam is leaps and bounds better than anything Opie or Jimmy has ever done. He's also a better broadcaster and funnier than Anthony.

Jim should listen to old Loveline so he can get some tips for his own advice show. Adam Carolla fucking killed it. He was funny, smart, witty, and dare I say gave better advice then just "better go to AA".

Yeah, he was great. I love his Native American gibberish bit.

What do you make of Howard's style of interviewing?

He seems to go in with a pretty clear focus of what he wants to discuss with someone.

Of what I've heard of his interviews, I've always thought they were pretty good. I haven't listened to much Stern, but I heard him do a "serious" interview with Sascha Baron Cohen a few years back and it was really interesting and I remember thinking at the time "Ooohh... this is what a real interview sounds like." When O and A don't have people to make fun of, it becomes obvious pretty quickly how weak or non-existent their journalism chops are.


I like Norton on the podcast, and I like the podcast, my one real complaint is he should really tone down the "I'm gay, just kidding" jokes, fighters aren't comfortable with that shit. They roll around on the floor with each other shirtless, and because of that a lot of them get called gay. The fighters can joke about gayness with each other, in order to prove they're straight. I've heard Norm MacDonald and George Stephenopolous talk about how basically a lot of these guys are so comfortable in their heterosexuality that they make gay jokes with each other in complete knowledge that everyone involved is just kidding (and I'm sure a lot of them are secret fags) But when a guy like Jimmy actually seems to be gay and is talking about how he loves to oil up other men, including Matt, it clearly makes Matt Serra uncomfortable.

Fighters and athletes tell gay jokes about each other to prove how straight they are. Jimmy's gay jokes seem to imply he's actually gay- that won't fly with these guys.


damn that was awesome

Looked like he hit him with a "get outta here" slap/shove until you saw the chinks face

wow. he had the fencing response and everything. didn't even look like he hit him that hard.

wrong sport! hahahah there's no fencing in the octagon.

Hands are wrapped and it was 100% unexpected right on the jaw.


Did you listen to the podcast? Serra was fucking horrible. He was acting like a retarded ADHD child who had too much sugar and was bouncing off the walls like he was overstimulated by his friends and the crowd. Serra hadn't been bad until this episode. Then the first guest Forrest Griffin sucked. He came off like a dimwitted dullard who thought he was too cool to engage in any conversation. Jimmy was actually trying to do a good show, asking serious questions about the fights. But those two retards wouldn't intelligently engage. And i couldn't see it but it felt like Serra may have been undermining Jimmy with the guests. There was something off about the vibe there as if Serra was giving cues to the guests that they didn't need to answer Jimmy's fight questions. So, yeah, Jimmy maybe panicked and thought let's bring someone with an actual personality into the hang real quick here before this becomes a total shitshow. And Jimmy was right. Don Frye saved the show from becoming complete garbage. But even Frye took a while to become anything worth listening to and only became tolerable because of Jimmy's willingness to play along with Frye's cartoonish machismo. For a while I was wondering if the switch would go off in Jimmy and he would turn the tables on him Jesse Ventura thank you for your service style. But comedically Jimmy went the other way with it. Forrest brought absolutely fucking nothing. Serra was so fucking awful with his shouting, screaming, hack jokes and non-analysis of the fights, that he was worse than Sherrod and Henley combined. He really was a corny annoying useless sack of shit on that episode. In the old days, he would not have been invited back to hang on O&A after a shit performance like that. The podcast had been good until that episode. But if that had been the only episode I ever listened to, i would fire Serra, never invite Forrest back and maybe partner Frye and Jimmy because of their odd couple chemistry.

He came off like a dimwitted dullard

There's a reason for that.

Forrest Griffin sucks in general. Claims to be funny, but comes off as some tool who can't get enough bar stool sports shit.

The man took some severe beatings. Be glad he hasn't gone Chris Benoit.

Why would Lish_fips89 care?

I got real douchechills from Matt. Especially the sequence where he made Frye do the Tombstone line. It seems like a good chunk of the positive reaction the show's been getting included people liking his self-deprecating. It's almost like he's been reading those reviews, and let himself take it way too far. Hopefully someone sorts him out. Like now, before the next show.

So much Jocktober-esque cringe with that Tombstone shit. And it went on for about 10 awful minutes.


A paragraph or two please.

Although I agree the last episode sucked, one bad podcast is not a crisis. They'll be fine.

Can we not turn this sub into a UFC discussion forum

the norton ufc podcast is getting great reviews we need to stomp on it

we need to hammerfist it into obscurity

He's a comedian who doesn't know anything about the UFC, what do you expect?

yes, "comedian"

quotation marks = comedy gold.

your face = a cunt

Funny stuff.

yess... "quotation marks"...

This sub really does suck Jamaican donkey balls sometimes

yeah but not as much as you do sweatheart

Wow you're on a roll. I said the sub sucks donkey balls. You said I suck more of them. How many more exactly? Like twice as much?? Ever tried stand up?

you're not very funny

Haven't listened but this is his fight commentary on OnA "(insert fighter's name) is a problem" "It's going to be a great fight " for a supposed UfC fan he didn't even know what weights Diaz or McGregor fought at.

mcgregor needs to defend his welterweight belt b4 fighting in other weight

Yeah, I don't care. I am not a UFC fan and I know way more than Jimmy and it bothers me.

Jimmy is a retarded. He's a comedian, but for some reason he's the one constantly pushing the fight talk. Be funny you fuck. The UFC sure as fuck isn't paying you for your broadcast ability.

they pay him cause of the rogan connection, and jim sucked up to dana white when he was making that retarded vice show

Honestly I enjoyed the vice show quite a bit. He got to be filthy which is why anyone would ever tune into his comedy. Besides, where else do you get to see a video format these days where Tyson can go off without being censored?

It's fun to compare Louis and Jim's career trajectories from 2005-on. Louis ascended the ranks to become an icon of stand-up and film, while Jimmy called in a favor to have a podcast on the UFC network

The film icon Louis CK, who brought us the wonder of Pootie Tang.

Completely agree on the film part, who else could forget the classic I Think I Love My Wife, Welcome Home Roscoe Jenkins, or The Invention of Lying?

I like the show. However Matt Serra really is Chip if Chip was tough

I hate how he prefaces almost every question he asks a fighter with "as a non fighter".

yeah, "prefaces"...

srs m8 are u gay, u already said "yes, "something" 200 times in this same theard

yes "m8",... "m8" indeed

i remember back in the ona days they had chanel sonnen on, it was going great cause chanel is great on the mic, then jim asked this same retarded sex b4 fight question and chanel total clam up and the rest of the interview turned shit. it looks like veteran jim didnt update his arsenal as expected

the whole "im a freak schtick" has done wonders for his career. hopefully when his contract is up at sirius he joins compound media.

Jimmy is as good has he can be on this podcast. Matt Serra just fucking blows.

Meh.. I take it over that ex fighter and ex kid bore fest any day of the week
