
2  2016-07-12 by AccidentalRenaissanc

How are you?


My life is an endless pit of despair and only a fear of death keeps me from ending it all.


Aw Buck up young fella :D

Two days sober and I wish I was dead.

oof. sober from what?

Negro semen.

LOL, good one.

Like I could go two days without that...

My alcoholism was reaching critical mass, so I'm going to do my absolute best to stop drinking, diet really well, go to the gym, lose weight, get my life together so I can look and feel better than I have in years when I start my inevitable downward spiral back into drinking and depression and sloth.

Two days sober

That's four days longer than Ant has ever gone without drinking.

I'm good. Bored. Heavily-modded Fallout New Vegas right now for games.

Listening to Opie and Jim and knowing Sherrod was their replacement for Patrice makes you beg for a Nuclear Winter :(

Hahaha. Nice. Dassabesso jus courierin an fukkn

Dassabesso, just patrolling the Mojave an fuckin

I imagine Doug Stanhope's reaction to that blabbering idiot was the exact same as when Benny sees the resurrected Courier for the first time.

Benny was surprised because an apparent miracle had happened. Doug was surprised because Sherrod having a seat on an international radio show is a miracle, one that makes me deeply question my faith in God.

"What in the godamn..."

Not so good. Do eyeballs grow back?

Hello, who is this?

It's John

hi john

Im okay, forgot to eat dinner yesterday, been pooping yellow all day. Got a little drunk at work, I don't think my coworkers respect me. Got a pimple on my ass, makes it hurt to sit. Thank you for listening to me, let's go out for lunch some time.

meh ... overnight shift.. kinda bored ... i will leave around 6am ... have a beer smoke a blunt , but i gotta be up again by lunch cause my gak guy is swinging by, then my friend jake is coming over and we will discuss road tripping down south when football season starts... anybody seen the new LA rams stadium?

I thought they were playing in the USC stadium this year?

fucking great ... college stadiums have the worst seats. i might still go cause LA is fun and thers other stuff blah blah .. but that seriously makes me consider waiting ... were going to Boston in November but i was hoping for one in September .... bro the 9r's new stadium is awesome but so fucking far from SF the train was like 2 hours

Get a room.