Navy: SEAL Chris Kyle never earned a 2nd Silver Star

0  2016-07-11 by jones889


Bullshit. Next thing you'll be telling me is that he didn't really knock out Jesse Ventura in a bar or snipe looters from the roof of the Superdome during Katrina. Thank you for your servesss


Termite medals


"I WON."

The Navy has concluded there is no evidence that famed Navy SEAL Chris Kyle received two of the valor awards he had claimed in his best-selling memoir, including a second Silver Star.

In an unusual move, the service has re-issued the DD-214 discharge paperwork to support the medals that the late Chief Special Warfare Operator (SEAL) Chris Kyle received during his 10-year Navy career, finding no records for two of six Bronze Stars with combat 'V' and the second Silver Star, two of which he had claimed in "American Sniper." However, the renowned SEAL sniper had earned the Silver Star and four Bronze Stars, the review confirmed.

Thanks, I hate clicking on the freakin source links and having to navigate the freakin pop ups just to get to the freakin story already.

It really grinds my gears if you know what I'm sayin.


Speaking from experience, the awards you're given at ceremonies aren't always the same as the awards that are in the system. The military is a well oiled green machine like that.

Speaking from less experience I got awarded a Purple Head after I fell over when a IOU went off in the next town over. I member lying in the hospital just staring at it and fiddling with it. Everyone wanted to touch it and it was all shiny.