RARE sighting of the woman who wants to carry on Sam Roberts DNA in the human gene pool

14  2016-07-11 by Dennyislife


She's really cute

anyone who says she isn't is gay.

Yes, she is. Why do I think she's the top in the relationship?

To willingly carry Sam's genes forward is to be nothing less than a traitor to the human race.

Literally spreading genetic disease.

So you think when Sam mutated into his present form, the conservation between son and mother went like this:

"LOOK AT WHAT YOU CREATED!" "...what have I wraught?? GOD, FORGIVE ME!!"

Came here to write this

No you didn't.

Oh. Ok.

she's had these awful vids of her doing what I assume is a public access show on youtube for years now
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFBCsJgBjg4 This one in particular features a completely unfuckable sam roberts. She might be cute, I honestly don't know. the fact that she let that guy fuck her skews my perception

The trivia question's answer is Meet the Parents. Also who is that pale Neanderthal dressed like Ronald McDonalad?


Towning Around? What's the Haps? these 2 dopes were made for each other.

Trying to fuck her way to showbiz?

the fact that she let that guy fuck her skews my perception

Any woman with low standards is a good egg in my book because she might fuck me

They use condoms

The fact that the only person she can pull is CroMag the Radio Bitch shows that despite her looks there is something seriously wrong with her mentally. I'm guessing some sort of personality disorder or bipolar issues.


"Someone asked me the other day, Scorch Sam, why do you do what you do?"

This is awful

it stinks and i dont like it

What an awful human being.

Sammy really needs Jim to keep him honest. He turns into a shitty comic wanna be in front of an audience.

No man can open a show this homo https://youtu.be/cJ6K_j60APU?t=33s and have that many smokin' girls around him

If you look like you are growing horns out of your head http://imgur.com/nWjuyOV why would you add a visual element to the show

Holy shit, he looks like Unfrozen Caveman Accountant.

Someone photo shop him with 2 horns growing in between his bald spotting afro

i wanna shrink her down and suck on her like a lollipop.

She'll be carrying on his zika virus as well.

I thought they had split up. Wha happen?

I heard that, good for her.

"wants" is not the right word here

I am married to this faggot so, meh, I guess I will have to one day

is probably her way of thinking about it

she seems like a sweetheart and Sam is a good egg

And the eventual birth of their child will be like the end of 'Threads.'

Listen, guys. You don't have to "get" how to seamlessly transition from 'Christopher Columbus' to 'rape.' All you have to do is sit back and soak in the funny.

Which one is Noelle? Youtube comments make me think I am missing an upskirt somewhere. Sam's chick is cute...I'm impressed with this event on the whole.

Noelle Foley is the blonde in the tight dress. He was saying "cross those legs" b/c audience members are in the perfect vantage point to stare right up her dress.

That's Opie's "side piece".

Keep in mind, this is a woman who looked at Sam -- whose puberty must have been like the first transformation scene in 'An American Werewolf in London' and a midnight showing of 'Trog' -- and said 'yeah, I could fuck that and carry its child to the dawning of the NeoCro-Magnon age.'

She fucked a black man, disgusting.

Vote for Trump, then we can outlaw these people from getting married.

Good for Sam


A little bit before that (at 2:19:50) you could see his mom and dad.

Remember when Sam booked his honey moon room and he was so cheap it was on the same level of the parking garage.

noel foley is so fucking hot


What the fuck is wrong with her?

Yay she's a six and Sam's a negative six. Together they make a perfect zero.

hahah did anybody else notice jimmy doesnt start twitching till mick foleys daughter comes out

You mean Katie Linendoll? She's all over the place.

sam is jimesque with that shiela

Sam is a cheeky little gremlin. I like him.

Are you sure that's her? I've seen video of her before and she did not look like that

It's definetely her

Listened to the whole show, pretty good.

How is that even fucking possible

How does Sam land a 9 like that? HOW????

A 9?? Relax


Completing to a 9 with her ability to tolerate childish bullshit and hot voice. Who constitutes a nine then if not her? I got my lube ready, let's see some proper taste then faggot.

Think about who you would consider a 10. Victoria's Secret Models are what I would consider a 10. Do you think she is just 1 notch below that? Get ahold of yourself

Knew you wouldn't name one name or post one picture. Photoshop is what constitutes a 10? Or some vapid, vain cunt who will have one stalk of celery and a glass of water for dinner? What great company to be around. Jess comes across as someone who might have something to occasionally bring to a conversation.

You spoke that response like a true neckbeard who doesn't actually interact with humans.

Are you seriously infusing personality into a rating specifically geared towards looks? You want a name? Easy. Emmy Rossum, Emma Watson, Olivia Munn, Scarlett Johansson and Emelia Clarke just to name a few. The 1-10 scale is based on looks alone, not who you might be fantasizing about dating and falling in love with. Sorry, but she is no more than a 7, at best. I'm sure she is a sweet girl, but that means nothing. Now go kill yourself, faggot.

I'll give you Scarlett Johansson, but Jess being a 7? Yeah, you go ahead and tell yourself that buddy. You're so above it all mahn. But thanks for telling me how the 1-10 scale works, like I honestly give two fucks. I might kill myself one day, but I promise I'll take faggots like you down with me.

Ooof. You sound like such an idiotic twat. Your silly argument got crushed by my superior logic. What am I above exactly? You called her a 9, which is just objectively false. You got your feelings hurt, and you lashed out with zero argument except "she had a great personality!" You sound like an obsessed fanboy. Your going to take all of us out tough guy? I'm begging you to come find me, pussy.

Dropped your fedora, homo puke. Did a girl like Jess cuck you in the past? What's wrong buddy boy?

Funny coming from a guy anonymously white knighting on Reddit. Go back to jerking off watching wrestling in your Sam Roberts t-shirt. Unfortunately that mongoloid and is average looking wife will never acknowledge your existence. You sound like every terrible caller that O&A ever put on air.

I'm throwing up in my mouth. Listen to more O&A and sharpen your wit a bit. That is, when you're not busy fucking super models and driving Lamborghinis champ.


Do you think Europeans are hot people?


Im sure you do much better. (eyes roll out of head)

maybe his Peckah is as big as his forhead

Well, he is black...

he is light-skin though

Little known fact: caveman physiology has an element to their scent that is a refined and concentrated form of Rohypnol.

he hit her over the head with a club and carried her back to his cave

She ISN'T a mutant...maybe a 4-5. Wtf are you smoking? Normal looking kinda cute girl is not a 9 bro....

First off: Great name. Second: Jess is pretty hot. Maybe not a 9, but definitely a 7.6-7.9.

Why are you lying anonymously on the internet? Jess is a good catch, and you'd parade her around with you head high you fucking liar. "Kinda" rofl, you've never even touched anyone nearly as pretty as her. Just stop.

I'm not a basement dwelling troll like you faggot.

Except that precisely what you are. Spoken like a true retard who scans every picture of a woman for one shard of a pixel that doesn't look pristine and goes "Ugh, what a mess. A 6 at best."

You don't get laid very often, I can tell.

That is exactly what I am not. I am married, so yes, you are right I never get laid.