Jimmy is a rube

43  2016-07-10 by Mr702law

I was listening to the Jimmy deletes Colin from Twitter last week that one of you posted and early on when speculating why Jimmy deleted him Colin speculates it may be because he said some bad stuff about Jimmy's website.

Jimmy instantly stepped in and said that was not the reason and he agrees the website sucks. He says something like the guy he paid did a horrible job and ripped him off.

Might be a pattern here. Jimmy is so ignorant on anything outside of comedy and hookers that he is an easy target. There's no way that Chip cartoon should have cost more than a few thousand with such low quality.

I bet Jimmy got taken for a big ride on his apartment renovations. Even moderately sophisticated people overpay there. No wonder he has a wind tunnel in his new apartment.


With his good bag and his cheap shoes?

All those tedious sticky fumblings with neighbor boys under the porches of houses … while he could only dream of getting out … getting anywhere … getting all the way to Op-ie Raqio

A friendship breakup once tried to test me.

I took his job with a nice pay raise. SNNNNNNKKKK

You see a lot Doctor Quinn, but I wonder, can you turn that keen wit on your-



A well scrubbed hustling rube with a little taste. Just a lil taste

You crawl back thru the soil now little wormy...ooze the lubricating fluid from your pinkish brown skin that allows you to move through the soil...And you worm your way back to Club Soda Kenny now wormy...worm, worm away.

Can you get podcast equipment into the city?

I seriously never understood that. For a retarded moment I though podcasting equipment was illegal in NYC by the way he talked about it.

Nobody can get a mic in NY unless you have a permit, it's worse than guns over there.

I bet whoever did his website was a girl he wanted to fuck too. Also uses that judgement for choosing his opening acts.

I saw that Kelsey Cook was on The Crabfeast podcast in LA, didn't listen of course. But that's a fairly well known west coast podcast and I guarantee Jimmy asked them for a favor.

Fuck The Crabfeast 5 Stars

Another tuesdee!

'Nother Crab Feast fo that ass!


He painted over the evidence


Every sicko liar has a tell

He's one to talk about being ripped off since he ripped off so many people when he begged for money to do his shitty cartoon.

no way that Chip cartoon should have cost more than a few thousand

A few hundred would be generous, and I'm not exaggerating for the sake of shitting on the cartoon. What about the animation requires such expense? It's not good.

Someone awhile back posted some beginner video software that seemed to use the same build as the chip cartoon. So it's like hiring someone to do some photo work for you and they use Bitpaint and charge you top dollar.

A lot of what we saw in the "animation" were stock characters that were not made specifically for Norton's project.

can u link it i really wanna read about it

Can you notify me when he links it, thanks pumkin

Send me a pm with the link when pumpkin posts it.

Thanks sweetie.

I demand a skywritten message informing me of this link's presence forthright! Regards bumpkins.


Jimmy is so ignorant on anything outside of comedy and hookers

I'd bet Jimmy is bled dry by whatever escort service he uses, under the pretense that the price of discretion is worth keeping his "secret" of having men humiliate him during sex.

Hey, hey, hey remember: They're women with """"""feminine"""""" sets of dicks and balls you cismale bigot transphobe

the paparazzi are so noisy he needed a service that wont rat him out ok???

Here is what the website looked like at the end of 2012: https://web.archive.org/web/20121231005533/http://jimnorton.com/

Jim's new website in 2012 looked like a site I would have built in 2002. When he launched his app, I took a peek to see if it was the same thing, even worse, it was an app that had like 3 buttons and zero functionality, it was essentially a flash menu from 10 years ago. He definitely got ripped off for both of those.

I have no idea how the guys from the show live in / around NYC, have millions of dollars, and have such horrible taste in music, vacations, clothing, boring lives, as well as putting out shitty websites, merch, and apps. You live in the cultural center of the world with nearly unlimited funds you dopes, if you can't do something modern and creative, at least fucking pay someone professional to pitch you a concept and do it for you. It's not like you've never seen a website before to know what standard to expect.

jimmy has admitted to more than a few financial blunders outside real estate and animation ... don't forget jimmy lost 90k in the crash after being in the market 6 months

someone fucked him over on that north face coat he's always wearing too.

The only goose in that bubble North Face is the one who bought it at an overpriced NYC department store instead of just getting it on sale at REI.

I pumped in $10 for the cartoon, not sure why, just a fan of Jim. I'd atleast like to see some sort of actual episodes or get my money back. Neither of those seem like actual options though.

You just have to re-frame it in a positive way, you paid $10 to learn not to be such a dumbass next time.

I believe he mentioned losing a bunch of money in the stock market too. He said he normally doesn't invest, but someone talked him into this one thing.

I'm loling hard

Colin had Jimmy's number on the show a few years back: He's sort of smart naturally, but he's not well read or well educated, so he overcompensates like a motherfucker. It just comes across as pretentious and awkward.


Fuck The Crabfeast 5 Stars

Hey, hey, hey remember: They're women with """"""feminine"""""" sets of dicks and balls you cismale bigot transphobe

the paparazzi are so noisy he needed a service that wont rat him out ok???