r/short doesn't appreciate my yumah

47  2016-07-10 by chrb13


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lol manlets

6'2" white male literal master race reporting in


yeah that too

damn I'm uber

/u/GeoffreyArnold is a real buzzkill. Normally I'd say I hope he gets aids but I assume he already has it.

Jesus there is so much fucking sadness in /r/short. It's just guys trying to pull each other back from the brink of suicide while others are relentlessly posting pictures and videos of women being mean to short (worthless) men.


Guys, the struggle is real, I get it. Been living it for a long time. 5'1" and mid-40's. I'm so short I get ignored -- doors slammed in my face, accidentally run into by much larger people in a hurry (that especially hurts!), pat on the head, etc...and so on. It's humiliating, it absolutely is.

Guys, you're worth something. You're more than your height. Life is too short to waste on resentment. I'm not going to say that everyone can be an office hottie, but you can shine in your own outstanding way.

Don't blink your eyes at 25, and suddenly you're 45 and your health is eroding and you wonder why you've been so mad for so long. Life happens incredibly fast. When you're angry, it consumes you and you won't be able to see the good things until they're in your rear-view.

Whenever I walk in public, I'm always worried that tall or average height men get satisfaction when they see men shorter than they are.

People are always saying that "No one thinks about your height except you". But is that really true?

Jesus there is so much fucking sadness in /r/short.

I'm over 6' tall, but I stumbled across that sub once and it made me genuinely sad. It's not the negative posts that get me, it's the positive ones. Because even when they try to be really uplifting they all read like "I'm able to live a somewhat OK life despite this flaw that consumes all of my thoughts.".

That subreddit is the biggest self-pity party I've ever seen. Aside from midgets (which are disturbing) I don't think most people give a shit about people's height. I'd take being 5 feet tall if it meant that I had a 10 inch thick dick!

Nice tuna can cock brode.

probably smells just as bad too

What the fuck is an office hottie? Short people got no reason to live.


This is still a young subreddit but as it grows we will be getting more and more "trolls" and/or people that post offensive comments.

So if there is a VERY offensive comment (i.e. "manlets should die", "short people are not worthy of living", etc.), please click report next to their comment. Mods will delete the comment and take further action when needed.

Our community is great and you can help us keep it that way by reporting the offensive comments.

Thank you!

revision by GrandBuba5'8" | short and ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ— 1 year ago

i.e. "manlets should die"

Hahaha. These dwarfs get triggered pretty easily.

r/short is their safe space. Trigger them at your peril.


What a depressing place.


This subreddit sponsored by Tootsie Roll Midgees

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That is the gayest fucking shit I ever read on reddit.

That post makes me miss Benjamin, what name you go under now Benny. I miss fucking destroying you.

Hahaha. Are you a graphic artist? You have a lot of high-quality stuff. Post that picture on here, it's got legs. sniff

He never comments about what he does. Mysterious faggot.

A graphic artist?

What is this, the 1930s or somethin'? Tss

That thread gave me so much laughter. The guys here on the sub are fucking animals and it's a joy to read.

I was drinking last night and was a little more vicious towards that little fellow than necessary. I usually just ignore children and midgets because they aren't real people.

I was also drunkenly mean to the wee lil' members of r/short last night. They're such adorable little things. I want them to be my minions and do my bidding.


If someone from /r/short posted here looking for ACTUAL help would you help them though? My friend needed some advice and I dont know what to tell them: https://www.reddit.com/r/short/comments/4s4qrv/im_38would_it_be_so_wrong_of_me_to_commit_a/

You know what's better than being tall? Nothing. Nothing in the whole wide world.

Being white.

I would hate to choose. But would you rather be 5'1 and white or 6'6 and black?

5'1 and white because I'm not attracted to black or fat white women.

I respect your decision but as a tall black man I will be robbing you, and then doing sweet slam dunks

I would zimmerman the shit out of you.

It really is the best.

LMAO I just read some of the threads on that. It's hilarious. I had no idea that was a real thing. It must suck to actually be short though. Society is all about making fat women feel good about themselves these days, but nobody gives a fuck about short men. And they were born that way.


There's an /r/short? Is it just some kind of sad support group where they all talk about just how many women are actually really into guys that are shorter than them

exactly that


Top Drawer, sir

it goes on pretty normal for a while ... then out of nowhere thers cock and cum flying all over the place

Chip Cartonmoneystealerson


oof oofterson?

Dude fuck off with this Bullshit



Damn jeez, sorry. I'll be better!

Pay your debts faggot.

I did didn't you see the Fox guy come in and reply to someone summoning him?

No I did not see that. Carry on then.

Going through withdrawals sweetheart?

I just think it's dumb

Poor sweet ornery baby. Get some rest and have sweet dreams about Love Bullet selling out arenas, you gorgeous skinny greasy girl.

That subreddit is the biggest self-pity party I've ever seen. Aside from midgets (which are disturbing) I don't think most people give a shit about people's height. I'd take being 5 feet tall if it meant that I had a 10 inch thick dick!

Jesus there is so much fucking sadness in /r/short.

I'm over 6' tall, but I stumbled across that sub once and it made me genuinely sad. It's not the negative posts that get me, it's the positive ones. Because even when they try to be really uplifting they all read like "I'm able to live a somewhat OK life despite this flaw that consumes all of my thoughts.".

Nice tuna can cock brode.

What the fuck is an office hottie? Short people got no reason to live.

I respect your decision but as a tall black man I will be robbing you, and then doing sweet slam dunks
