Which O&A clips are the best in introducing the show to your friends ?

4  2016-07-10 by EGLAUF

Found a few gems, but realised they were based on internal jokes..


don't mention the show to anyone in real life would be my advice

I am also not convinced the guy posting has friends.

Happy Days probably.

This was the clip that got me into it.

I showed my buddy the tree one and he didn't get why it was so funny, and he knows who Jimmy is as a standup. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zDtE34c1rxE "Who gives a shit? Petrified forest, buncha fuckin' scared trees" haha

Mel Gibson Tapes.

Maybe, but Opie's douchiness is in rare form in those. It almost ruins it for me.

It's a test for the friend though. If they mention liking that Opie guy you know to never speak to that person again.

apply this to any show where Opie was in studio. He ruins things. Can't wait until his white trash cunt wife leaves him.

All the Louis ones hooked me, but the Patrice tribute grieving is one of the best shows they've ever done.

yes louis was always hilarious, but feels like thats gonna drag newcomers to louis and not the show

Any of the Louis stuff. He has cachet that hooks people. My particular favorite is his review of Paul O's GAP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yra-RGHdw-4

The ones where they were bitching about management

The abortion song and remembering lacy.

Ant's marriage and divorce stories. Everyone needs to hear that.

My only friends are from here

People here have friends? Damn.

Top 10 country songs with Patrice.


Patrice ripping on the face transplant woman

Uncle Paul

jocktober or lady di, bobo, any eps where the bbboys trash someone.

if they can't handle hearing ppl take a beating, then they won't like the show anyway.

I personally like the "What makes a good party in the 1950's" bit, really hilarious and not too inside jokey.

Jimmy's rants against the Ocean, trees, and animals are fucking classic of course.