Nice to Know That UFC Employees Don't Run Around Ringside Worming Their Way in w/ Celebs to Take Photos

11  2016-07-10 by richfloss


God, what an annoying little dick

Timberlake's bothered face brings me such joy.

Anthony slid in a little dig at Norton for that pic of his.

some people are meant to be fat. he looks awful.

Maybe it's me projecting my own thoughts onto this but it looks like Justin is thinks "who is this guy and why is he sitting in seats that cost just as much as mine"

Only a few more celebrities and he'll achieve happiness.

Do you think the celebrities go home to their loved ones and say, "We should all be thankful for our good health. I was out and this man with what looked to be final stage AIDS approached and asked if he could take a pic with me. He was so brave, smiling and standing on his own, but you could see the pain and anguish he must live with every day knowing he doesn't have much time left."

Saw on his twitter he also weaseled his way in for a photo with Conor McGregor. I'm sure Conor wouldn't at all be creeped out that after that, the worm was basically stalking him

@JimNorton you should've told that guy to sit down before you kick his ass.

He makes 5'7 145lb JT look like Lesnar

Ah Jimmy....keep this up and you will always be on the outside looking in.

N'Sync and N'Stink



Jim looks like a poor man's JK Simmons.

He still does this?

How the fuck you ever gonna be taken seriously as a comedian, when every time you meet a celebrity you act like a fucking fan?

"Hey Justin thanks for the photo! Next time you're in Sirius, you should do our show."

"Who are you?"

How old is Jim?

Jimmy just say your gay, everyone already knows bruh

I'm bringing skelly back

Jimmy really is shameless.