Has anyone else been enjoying the new FOX show, Party Over Here?

0  2016-07-10 by sanfrancisco69er

It came on when I turned on the TV and my t-cell count hung itself.


what the fuck is this?


Because women are funny or ummm they can be just as hilarious as men and they errr ahhh fuck it. It stinks and it's awful and the women in that sketch deserve to be sent to Syria and stoned to death and the audience who was fake laughing should all be burned alive.


Be honest tho, the mansplaining hotline is empowering and comedy gold.

I dont even understand that.

That's the bit.

So it's an empowering sketch about women who pretend to be dolts but call a hotline and understand everything? Like they're paying however much a minute to feel right? I mean sure, be smug about it but they could've at least been the dolts in an unironic way. Good lord that sketch was like Kubrick directing a script from Michael Bay, my head hurts too fucking much from analyzing it.

Ive never seen a woman with a head as wide as her hips.

Gave it a full 10 seconds and might I add I'm pretty proud of myself for trying.