Where the fuck are qood quality versions of Tough Crowd?

15  2016-07-09 by TheScarletR

It's a goddamned crime against humanity that this show has never been released in a box set or some other HD version. I honestly have a bit of a grudge against the suits at Comedy Central for the way they just buried this show with no shame at all.


Here is the high quality playlist.

aw you fawkin got me good

I'm gonna start chip-rolling folks all over reddit. Dzzzzzzkk

FAWK YEAH. We'll bury those cocksuckas.

Comedy Central probably put them in a landfill somewhere

The probably taped over them like what happened with early episodes of The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson

there is nothing but shitty quality ones online, it's bullshit.

Tsss yea, they should be called soft crowd or sumthin Tsss Tsss

I believe this is what happened at comedy central when the show ended - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fdjf4lMmiiI

The YouTube channel MrLamarski has a bunch of really good quality episodes

Thanks, don't think I've seen that one.

As a part of Amy Schumer's rider the original Tough Crowd tapes are to be glued together into a feeding trough to provide sustenance for more relevant, forward thinking comediennes.

Colin gave the master tapes to his lover Lady Di.

Call me a hipstercunt but I think the grainy VHS recording look fits the show pretty well.

You fucking hipster cunt

I'm afraid that the version you have is fine. The show really was just that bad.

I think you're right, in that the show might not have been filmed in HD. But theres no way those fuzzy versions on YouTube are the same quality as the original.

Comedy Central has them all. The clip from the documentary came from their archives. They have it and can upscale it to HD so it'd look pretty close. They don't want to, it would cost money that they don't think they'd make back and the show doesn't fit their brand anymore. They've become so far left they probably wouldn't even want the network associated with edgy alt right type comedy.

I thought I remembered Colin on some show saying that the archival tapes had been damaged so DVDs are impossible to issue