The final battle from the lady Ghostbusters movie. Holy fuck this looks awful.

40  2016-07-09 by cbanks420lol


Well that's more of the movie than I ever thought I'd see.

This guy broke the review embargo. Every man in the movie is depicted as an idiot or a creep and the big villain gets defeated by them shooting him in the dick.

I hate the overuse of cuck, but it really applies to Paul Fieg

What a fieg

Total queig

The man's body of work just screams "fuck my wife and let me clean up afterwards."

His first movie was I Am David about the holocaust. Paul Fieg is a good goy.

That's my David???

"You'd never have lady Ghostbusters if it wasn't for my David!"

It should also be noted that he's listed as one of the stars of "Sabrina, The Teenage Witch." I hope his kids meet death at the hands of a locomotive.

I don't think he can have kids if you exclusively cum inside his husbands asshole

Locomotives don't have hands. Not even Thomas the Tank Engine.

Well, shit.

He isnt gay? Coulda fooled me

holy fuck

You're a cuck.

they could have avoided half of this backlash by making it some sort of sequel marketed to teenagers instead of a remake that replaces the 80s verison. instead of politics, it would just have been another bad movie like neighbors 2.

I don't know how they could have avoided the backlash because I'm not entirely sure what caused the backlash. Yes it's a shitty, pandering reboot but all of Hollywood consists of shitty, pandering reboots. Look up some smaller budget projects if you want quality film, not mass-market products.

The Witch is a small budget movie with a female lead and it's awesome. Mostly because she's a hot teen and Satan personified as a goat named Black Philip (not to be confused with Patrice) makes her get naked and sell her soul to him.

the witch is an awesome movie (if you watch it with subtitles on)

the theme is: christian patriarchy, feminism, but in a good, subtle, quiet way.

chopping wood too

I could only think of Patrice when they kept saying Black Philip.

Ivan Reitman had developed a script where the old ghostbusters pass on their job/tech to new Ghostbusters. Feig, who was given total control by Amy Pascal, didn't like that idea. He wanted the girls to create their own ghost fighting tech that was cooler/better. And for it to be a different universe where they'd be the original ghostbusters.

And they are all super smart genius level scientists (hilarious, right?), instead of poor, broke, pseudo-scientists testing on the local college kids. Oh, except the black one, Feig figured it was fine to just have her as a city employee.

Exactly. I think a joke about how they're just a rehash in the first trailer would have saved them a lot of backlash too. 21 Jump Street did it in theirs and people liked it.

That was enough for me to know I don't want to see the whole movie. Shitty special effects. The ghosts look like they came off the Haunted Mansion ride at Disney.

And even the proton packs have fallen to feminism. In the original and the sequel the proton packs and the attached guns/wands were depicted as hard to handle and control, mainly because the proton pack itself is a miniature particle accelerator, thus the Ghostbusters had to use 2 hands to stabilize them. The male Ghostbusters had to fight to control the proton stream and the ghosts who were captured by it. And that idea carried through the original and the sequel. But now we have the all female Ghostbusters and in that clip they are effortlessly wrapping the ghosts in the stream and tossing them aside like it was nothing and showing no problem handling the particle accelerators and the massive amounts of power they must put out. Hell the dykey looking one has two pistol sized proton wands for fucks sake.

My gosh it just goes to show how strong and empowering and brave these women are!!! They don't need men and they don't need to struggle against the power of the proton packs because they are fierce and capable and not as weak as those silly men!! You go girls!!! I am surprised with such a powerful feminist agenda the director Paul Faggot didn't manage to get Amy Schumer into the cast as well.

Hollywood wants to destroy men and Paul Faggot seems to be leading the charge. I wonder what his next movie will be? Maybe Farrah Bueller's Day Off? Or The Breakfast Club with an all female cast? Or maybe he and Judd Apatow can team up and do a remake of Weird Science where 2 nerdy girls who can't get a date decide to build the perfect man and then decide they don't need a man to make them complete so they get naked and do a lot of pussy eating and scissoring?

Guaranteed if that Weird Science 2 idea ever came to fruition (and now that you mention it, it sounds very plausible) it would star those two awful Jewesses from that piece of shit Broad City.

Ewwww no one wants to see them eating pussy or scissoring!! I bet they are both the type of feminist cunts who let their bushes grow natural and untrimmed. Probably have hair from their stomach all the way to mid point on their thighs. Thick and unkempt with bits of stuff stuck in it. Bleeechhhh.

I gotta stop perusing this sub while eating. That mental image has ruined what was a pleasant meal.

these women wouldn't be attractive as pornstars in whatever their very limited racial category is

You're just jealous because you're a sexist man.

A silly sexist smelly man.

Booooooo to men.

Perfect ending.

The Haunted Mansion ride rules.

From what I can tell in this scene, the proton packs are just big laser blasters now since it looked like they could just destroy ghosts. Also ghosts can be thrown into other ghosts and kill them? It's weird seeing someone try to make the Ghostbusters cool, sliding in on their knees and doing action movie shit when the whole point is they're all bumbling assholes.

I thought there was gonna be a weird science 2 with channing tatum as the hot chick

The movie was being cast before Trainwreck set the world ablaze. Guaranteed The Schumes would've at least been rumored with different timing. Since Paul Faggola was first to come onboard, thus necessitating the participation of Melissa McCarthy, the fact of the cast already having a corpulent pig might've worked against Big Amy, though. However at this point in the timetable America's Sweetheart may not have installed gravy as her hydration outlet of choice.

I've never watched Trainwreck and have no plans on it at this point but when I am skimming through my movie channels I inevitably pass it by now and then and just from that small glimpse it seems as though Piggy Schumer's weight was fluctuating up and down in the movie. Has anyone here watched it all the way through? And if so were my eyes deceiving me or was fatass gaining and losing weight throughout the filming?

I remember seeing some underwear scenes in the trailer. Because the title indicated she was so wild and out of control that lots of crazy drunken sex took place with hot dudes. She probably had to crash diet before shooting to achieve a semblance of camera friendliness. Once they wrapped around mid 2015 and tracking indicated a hit was in the works, the buffet floodgates likely opened.

It's pretty lazy casting. The woman he always works with & then everyone else is just from Saturday Night Live. Like, is that the only comedy show he watches?

My gosh it just goes to show how strong and empowering and brave these women are!!! They don't need men and they don't need to struggle against the power of the proton packs because they are fierce and capable and not as weak as those silly men!! You go girls!!! I am surprised with such a powerful feminist agenda the director Paul Faggot didn't manage to get Amy Schumer into the cast as well.

Apparently the climax of this final battle is them all shooting the main villain in his crotch and I'm not even kidding.

The only way I'd watch this movie is if it featured audio commentary from Dice.

He needed the money!!!

and then the ghost spilled banana juice all over the whore, aghuzzzzz!!!

I would still absolutely bang Kristen Wiig if given the opportunity.

Wiig? What she don't have real hair or sumthin Tsss

That's pretty good Chip.

I'd rather dick down the rug-muncher.

We all have our shitty bangs. I would still fuck present-day titless Christina Applegate.

She'd look great with a short, tan cock in her mouth.

Too old for Ant

I'm with you there, wanna fingercuff her?

Coin flip to pick sides

I call head. I mean, heads.

She's definitely the hottest one.

Not counting Hemsworth, absolutely.

That goes without saying.

She looked great in that Simon Pegg movie, but nowadays she looks a bit haggard for my taste.

I like a woman that looks like she's been beat down by life.

I can respect that.

Kristen Wiig Is she wearin a wig or sumthin?

Cool to see Bob Kelly in such a big movie. He even had a funny line ("Slapshot!")

Oh, come on. That was pretty good. Like when the fat woman yelled "lamb chop", I laughed out loud.

I thought she said slap shot. I dont know why she would say either, though

Oh literal Bick_Bickerson

Oh,she actually said slap shot? Why did she say that

I thought she said slap chop.

Stop having a boring tuna. Stop having a boring life.


Parallel Inventing


It looks like a bunch of confused actors in front of a green screen

I was reading about how disastrous the production was and they originally filmed people in ghost costumes then did CGI over them when they didn't like how it turned out. That's why these broads look so goofy, they were interacting with real people at first.


Do you have a link or remember the site it was on? I love reading about terrible productions.

I'm too lazy to find it but look up the leaked sony e-mails about it.

Ohhhh yeah! I'll check that out, I heard that in a video where the guy was ripping on them, Angry Video Game Nerd or whoever.

I'm sure all 4 characters in this comedy are relatable as humans - complete with faults and humility - and not some pseudo-male, jock, macho feminist idols.

I'd love to sit next to patrice in a theatre and watch this.

I wouldn't be able to get past the smell.

What does rotten grape juice actually smell like?

Nigga what is juice?

Like a drink made of fruit

I want that purple stuff

If hollywood is now making shitty movies where there's no way to suspend disbelief can't jimmy norton get a part as a heterosexual man

After watching this I'm ready for a black tranny James Bond.

A masculine tranny Bond would actually be funny. Just Idris Elba in a wig and no other effort to make him look like a woman.

Check your privilege

You PC bro?

They should have gone with a full black cast that would just run away from every ghost "aaaahhh shiiiiieeeet"

They did, didn't you see them in the clip? Oh... that's ONE PERSON?


Rated Cringe

I wonder if the overweight black lady colors her lines with some sass?

I sure hope so.

They should rename it "Two Dykes, Trigglypuff, and a Bull-Nigger". Am I right, guys? Hammana hammana hammana.

Some of the best laughs I've had have been clicking on a Youtube video I know I'm gonna hate and then seeing a fucking abysmal like/dislike ratio

Shit, I forgot to downvote, thanks for reminding me.

Women ruin everything.

This is the big budget version of Vos's "women aren't funny" where they make a movie showcasing how women can be just as funny as the men were in the classic, and then 100% prove to everyone watching that they can't.

I feel like my childhood just got shot in the dick

How do the effects look worse than they did in the 80s?

A lot of CGI looks like shit. The 80s version of The Thing still holds up, the one from a few years ago looks awful.

How is concrete worse than it was in Roman times? I'll tell you how. Zionist conspiracy.


The Jews stole the recipe for concrete so that they could build the Freedom Tower in order to commit nine eleven all over again

the new movie looks like a cartoon.

It's like the WNBA in handy movie form.

I know this is the bizarro gyno-ghostbusters, but it was really nice of them to bring Ernie Hudson back to the team.

That's Michael Clarke-Duncan.

Harambe's final onscreen role

These cunts deserve every ounce of hate they get for this movie(Sorry Kate Mckinnon).

I usually find her damn funny, but yeah this is garbage

Can retardation be transfered thru video? I think I caught some

You had to go include the word "lady" in your post, now Judd Apatow will be coming after you. Apatow now considers you to be fair game to publicly shame as a misogynist who hates a great movie because (and only because) women are playing the main characters. If you had just omitted the word "lady" from the title of your post you wouldn't be on the verge of facing Judd Apatow's justice system: the internet lynch mob.


Isn't he a jew? I'm fucking done for.

I don't know where he worships or if he worships but I do know that I'm scared for you now that you're just handing Judd Apatow the rope he's going to use when he internet lynches you because clearly Ghostbusters 2016 has overtaken Citizen Kane as the greatest film ever made and only people like you, who clearly hate women, could possibly disagree. He's going to Cosby you. I wish I could help but it's Judd Apatow's justice system that we live in.

Thoughts and prayers

Why would they release the final clip before the movie has even come out?

My guess is that early screenings have shown the viewer scores to be abysmal, and they put out a few more clips with the bigger set pieces to try and get as many people possible in the theaters to at least make their money back.

Holy fuck indeed.

It looks pretty dumb and bad.

I still have no idea why so many people give a shit about it, to the point that there's a post about it here every few days.

It deserves every post anywhere trashing it. Not strictly from the "my childhood!" thing, but because when the trailer got thoroughly trashed (because it objectively looks like shit), they 100% played the misogyny card to cover for their steaming pile of a movie, which now will result in twice the hate than if they had just not even mentioned it.

Directed by Paul Fayg

Will the new line of Ghostbuter action figures be shelved next to the Barbie dolls? Serious question. Will little boys who play with them become neighborhood pariahs?

I read somewhere that they're already in bargain bin

If you had to cast 4 ghostbusters & you can cast anyone but atleast 2 of them have to be stars that have headlined movies before (but the other 2 can be obscure) who would you cast? Cuz I was thinking about it & it's hard for me as an adult to think any of that shit could be good.youre watching people fight ghosts

4 midgets. Peter Dinklage counts.

Dinklage & Devito headlines as Murray & Aykroyd and then Wee-Man & Beetlejuice as Ramis & Hudson could work

That's why you don't remake a movie like that. It worked well the first time because it was a novel idea but with a limited scope. That's why the sequel was so bad compared to the original because there really is not much you can do with a movie about fighting ghosts.

But if they had never done it before and had to cast it now I'd go with Paul Rudd as Peter Venkman, Matt Smith as Egon Spengler, Dan Aykroyd as Ray Stantz, Ving Rhames as Winston Zeddemore, Jennifer Garner as Janine Melnitz, Sean William Scott as Louis Tully and Natalie Portman as Dana Barrett. Give a little nod to PC culture and have Janine be a Ghostbuster who goes out in the field since Ray Stantz would be too old to take the field and would just be the technology guy back at base. Louis Tully would be comic relief and end up strapping on a proton pack in the first one unlike waiting until the sequel like he did originally.

And of course Amy Schumer would star as the Sta-Puft Marshmallow Man, no special effects needed.

Ghostbusters 2 was good.

Bill Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Ernie Hudson, and Harold Ramis as slimer.


thats pretty awful

0:40 seconds in, and he named Kristing Whig, Kate McKinnon, Melissa McCarthy, and the "the other one".

<insert your favorite facepalm.jpg>

Yep. Finally, Ghostbusters will be getting an Academy Award of guilt.


Thanks, asshole.

That's not a human user, sir.

Don't get lippy with me, son.

You were talking to a robotnik sir

Fucking yuck. Never.


I keep looking to see if anyone's commented on the horrible foley work when they grab for their guns and "power up". It's like they not only used the wrong sound effect, but put it in too early.

I'm really hungry for marshmallows now, too, but they make me shit in weird pellets.

Why did they make it so "jokey"? The Original movies were far more serious, and while fun movies, weren't "comedy" movies.

Its just a completely different tone.

That fat goose must be fucking someone from the top. She's in every movie!!

That's Michael Clarke-Duncan.