Norm Macdonald vs Anthony Cumia on racial pride

91  2016-07-09 by RickMirer3

ANTHONY CUMIA: "Can white people start bragging please?...They invented just about everything...White privilege: The privilege of being called a racist any time u show pride in ur heritage...We can be proud without it being racist."

NORM MACDONALD: "If someone says 'I am proud to be black' I say 'that's too bad for that guy' because it's a retarded thing to be proud of. We see it with white power. If someone says 'I'm proud to be white' we see how ridiculous that is ridiculous, we push them into a corner where they're going to spend their whole lives identifying themselves by the pigment of their skin, which is a sad, waste of might as well be proud to have lungs. You didn't accomplish nothin''re just born with skin that's a certain color."

Anthony is trying to link himself to the accomplishments of great white thinkers, inventors, and creators because his ancestry goes back to the same continent. How fucking convoluted is that? It's ridiculous to tie all white people to Hitler and the KKK, and it's ridiculous to tie them all to Dr. Jonas Salk or the fucking Wright brothers. It's funny because the white people who ARE close to him genetically...Joe Cumia of SAMCRO and Obesity fame, his sister, and his parents, are all fucking losers.


I love how he thinks his people helped with the moon landing. I don't recall if there was a little cart that sold ices in mission control.

There wasn't. I just googled it.

How about an organ grinder with a monkey? Or a shoe shine boy?

No more shinings, Billy......

What's that?

I said, no more shines. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been away a long time. They didn't go up there and tell you. I don't shine shoes anymore.

Was a matter.. I'm breaking your balls a little.. What you getting fucking fresh

Sometimes you don't sound like you're kidding, you know, there's a lotta people around...

Tss make him an offer that noone refuses!

god damnit chip, not now

Ok now we're just a couple of drunk lonely guys quoting goodfellas...

Still better than real life.

That really should be in this sub's Mission Statement

Tommy, I'm only kiddin' with you. We're having a party and I just came home, and I haven't seen you in a long time, and I'm breakin' your balls, and right away you're getting fuckin' fresh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

Yeah we're done with this bit

What a fuckin jabroni...

I'm sorry too. It's okay. No problem.

Brb. Checking now.


Bet there were lots of empty pizza boxes though.. Face

Have you seen the quality of the brick work up there?

Let's be historically correct. That stand also sold gabagool sandwiches.


Eh, Italians have a lot to be proud of. The Roman Empire and Renaissance were huge cultural accomplishments.

That said - they had nothing to do with what Anthony considers "white success." Those were all white Protestants who fantastically hated Southern Europeans, their religion and their Pope.

Actually the nazis got us to the moon. I don't know if that's true but I'm going with it because it's funny.

Yeah I was thinking that. All those German rocket engineers/physicists who built the V2s.


I'm sure they brought their fucking toolboxes. Racecars. Lunar modules. Same thing.

"Why can't we have an open, honest discussion?!"

Because when the same attack points are hurled at Anthony, he blocks that person, deletes their comments then responds to a tweet of a dumber person to make himself feel better.

Open and honest would require everyone agreeing with him on all his opinions. Also he can't yell over people as a counterpoint so blocking anyone with a normal IQ is the only move for him to make

The nigga just wants a discussion at this point.

Anthony is trying to link himself to the accomplishments of great white thinkers, inventors, and creators because his ancestry goes back to the same continent

WE WUZ KINGS. I genuinely don't think he's white, he's got some Egyptian pharaohs blood in him though.

motherfucker should be trying to connect himself to harun al rashid if he wants to talk about his people's scientific output

Harun Al Rashid just gives bonuses to oil and spreading your religion via trade routes though.

The Cumias are stupid people.

The realest thing you ever wrote

against all odds

Are you suggesting that Anthony Cumia is kind of a daft prick that only reads as far as his points have to in order to support his prejudice?? Well I never...

Who would have thought a ex-shock jock isn't the brightest bulb.

Motherfucker failed gym class.

Weren't you a staunch proponent of Anth's? What happened and when?

When he stopped being funny.

Every other accomplishment Anthony had in his life he fucked up so all he has left to be proud of is being white. What else is there?

How dare you say a member of the greatest(and only) U2 tribute band I've ever heard of is a loser.

Norm MacDonald on acupuncture: "they used that for thousands of years, and then they invented medicine.

My favorite thing Anthony Cumia has ever said is 'WHERE'S MY WHITE PRIVILEGE?!' as though he's white.

Its wherever his gun is. probably slipped in the back of the couch.

That's the same reason blacks have pride over other blacks, to make up for all the white pride they think they're seeing. Ant wants to have white pride in revenge of all the black pride he's seeing. It's just funny that he somehow cant see what a nig he is and always has been. He's constantly proving it.

Stanhope had my favorite take on this retardation of taking credit for shit that has nothing to do with you.

I don't know why Ant claims to be white when his real ancestors had a great empire before white people ever did. The Arab Empire, 632-1258

I dont necessarily want to undermine your joke, because its pretty funny, but white people had several large empires predating that, the Roman Empire and Alexander the Great to name two. Just saying

HOW did you get downvoted to -1 for that bit of history

It's a good quote by Norm.


Sicily is not connected to the European continent.

It's a rock swarming with bandits and shifty peasants.

they eat cow spleen sandwiches

He is a stupid person. And his contributions to society as a 'white person' was being a shock jock. And he didnt even invent that. Howard was already doing it. Fucking loser.

Dude link that Norm quote I wanna hear dat the whole podcast is pretty interesting, gives an insight into Norm and his beliefs.

thanks fam

OP made it sound like a conversation between Ant and Norm. I shouldn't have expected honesty anyway.

You're as dumb as a Cumia if it appeared that way to you.

Hey man, I saw you get called out in the Werner Herzog thread for five years of negativity, and I had to check out your post history myself.

For some reason it is utterly unsurprising that you're a fellow /r/OpieAndAnthony poster.

That's all I wanted to say.

There's no getting called out. Just a bunch of bitches who can't accept reality when put to them in an impolite manner. And none of those fags have seen or understood the majority of his work, obviously. Ama's are full of the most disgusting ass kissing.


Anthony's not white

Tunisians didn't do shit.

Joe Cumia of Obesity fame. lol



Anthony should do one of those mail in genealogy.tests. Could actually be a funny segment on his show, too bad humor and self aware/self deprecating humor isn't a function or priority for him anymore

Ant, shut up and make me a pizza. Gindaloon

What norm said is a carlin bit


Same continent? No no. Cumia is a North African.

Tired of people trying to claim credit for the accomplishments of others of their race, nationality, sex, etc. Along with that, they should not take blame for the actions of others, either. You can't have it both ways. Either the credit trickles down and so does the blame, or neither does.
Get this point through to retards on both sides and maybe you see some real progress. Or not, I don't give a fuck. I'm prepared well enough for race wars. Or zombie invasions. Which pretty much amount to the same in my book.

I see your point, I really do, but you're approaching it wrong because they are. Pride in the things one can't control such as descent and nation are not necessarily a pride in oneself; it is a pride in your forebears and their accomplishments, a pride that should drive one to not only sustain but build upon those feats in order to further increase the net comfort and happiness of your fellow man as those before you have.

tl;dr shut up you commie faggot

The only people who care about that shit have literally nothing else going on in their lives.

" it is a pride in your forebears and their accomplishments, a pride that should drive one to not only sustain but build upon those feats in order to further increase the net comfort and happiness of your fellow man as those before you have."

Your forebears do dick all for you.

People of your own race doing something do nothing for you.

When the moon landing happened, the Cumia family were at the beginning of 50 years of loserdom other than one of them making it big in shock jockery, and financially supporting his siblings.

Obama is president. What the fuck has that done for John Q. Negro living in Chicago, Detroit, DC, LA, Houston, etc?

Norm makes a good point then babbles like a retard about how scientists don't take God into consideration when explaining the universe. Sucks that he is so afraid of death that he believes that shit, but still is probably the greatest comedian

I dunno, I am kinda proud of my bloodline having existed for so long despite being allergic to light from the star that we orbit.

Over the centuries, a lot of probably toothless illiterate semi-tards ate a lot of gruel and went on stupid marches so that I could end up being here not really feeling like watching anything on netflix.

Name one person alive today whose bloodline didn't survive.

Your fathers bloodline ends with him.

le ebin cuck maymay

I heard Norm say that but I can't believe you wasted time transcribing it. Fag.

You use many words to say very little.

All of you upvoating this faggy shit just to be contrarian to senior crater face are either honest to god liberals or so gullible and shallow you let your internet hate for a decaying Transylvanian amateur roboticist influence your personal political views

Racial pride is based on the heritage and ancestry that resulted in the beginning of your life, and is continued through your progeny.

You could basically say Norm's argument about an occupation or the car you drive.

But who is this 'we' Anthony is talking about? The Siculo-Arab peoples? The broken home peoples? South Italy is a shithole.

You could basically say Norm's argument about an occupation or the car you drive

No you couldn't. Those are things you work for and choose. Being born white is not an achievement, therefore I've never based any pride in it.


Those are things you work for and choose

In some cases.

There's always gonna be exceptions, but you're generally not given those things by virtue of being born.

its not an achievement? Your ancestors survived brutal wars, famines and plagues for you to still exist. I guess a high score is whats important to you.

All your response did was further strengthen Syphillisdiller1's point, you fucking moron

Yeah, and so did everybody else's.

My ancestors? LOL.

I never met 'em. I should be proud they survived a plague?

Go fuck yourself.


It's still retarded. How can any white guy look at Tesla's work or picasso's art and think "WE did that". it's so insulting to the individual's accomplishment that some random loser gets to piggy back off his efforts and share in a glory he doesnt deserve and this applies to any race. Why should some random black guy think Frederick Douglas greatness is in some way his own. it's stupid. Dickheads always abuse the collective pronoun.


it's not about taking credit for others accomplishments dumbass it's about a marginalized group reinforcing that it's okay for them to exist

you idiots really aren't smart enough to get the basics

Your post is dumb RickMirer3.

Try giving Anthony's tweet context!


It's an expression like I'm proud to be American .. We know what we did for this world

You dont get to take credit for the moon landing because you have an eagle on your passport, retard. You didnt do shit. There is no "we".

But blacks get to?

Yet the we applies when whites have done them wrong!?

No, it doesn't.

Destroy it?

Norm Macdonald sucked on SNL. He was also in "Dirty Work." Lol

motherfucker should be trying to connect himself to harun al rashid if he wants to talk about his people's scientific output

It's still retarded. How can any white guy look at Tesla's work or picasso's art and think "WE did that". it's so insulting to the individual's accomplishment that some random loser gets to piggy back off his efforts and share in a glory he doesnt deserve and this applies to any race. Why should some random black guy think Frederick Douglas greatness is in some way his own. it's stupid. Dickheads always abuse the collective pronoun.

How about an organ grinder with a monkey? Or a shoe shine boy?

Ok now we're just a couple of drunk lonely guys quoting goodfellas...

Tss make him an offer that noone refuses!

Tommy, I'm only kiddin' with you. We're having a party and I just came home, and I haven't seen you in a long time, and I'm breakin' your balls, and right away you're getting fuckin' fresh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

No, it doesn't.