Saw Louis CK in SF last night

37  2016-07-09 by duranfarbissina

He fuckin killed, it felt like the old Louis. Had some great shit about ISIS, suicide, porn, and having ur fly open. It made me remember why I loved the son of a bitch so much in the first place.


Louie's a great comedian. People on here hate his side projects and pretentiousness, which I get, but I hate how everyone acts like he was never good. He's fucking hilarious. And he's been working his ass off long enough to deserve his success

It's almost like a large proportion of users in this wretched cyber-hellscape are...poorly informed, overly emotional, and objectively incorrect about many things?!?!?!

Oh yeah, well Slamball is fuckin gay. How u like them apples

Hey Slamball was awesome for like 30 seconds!

anyone who likes Slamball also enjoys the sound of balls slamming against their asshole

How dare you.

Maybe we're just a bunch of jerks?



Have you not caught on yet that hatred for its own sake is pretty fucking fun?

I think people here just hate the audience he has now. Super lefty hipsters have claimed him as their own. We remember him as an O&A comic. He is still funny, his audience just stinks. Take a look at /r/comedy to get an idea of what I mean.

NO, I completely know what you mean. Since he's a celebrity he has people who are fans of him based on popularity. They aren't fans of his comedy. This is 90% of Schumer's audience

i hate how some guy that's been accused of forcing women to watch him beat off has a holier than thou attitude about everything. he's great but he's seems like kind of a prick.

Even if he is a prick who cares? O&A was a show for pricks. This subreddit's existence is continued on the fact that a lot of the subscribers are pricks.

How's he a prick? Pretentious, yes. But is he an asshole?

being pretentious and being a prick go hand in hand.

Not really. Pretentious people aren't aware of their pomposity. Some assholes are definitely aware that they are shitty. Louie has been in a celebrity bubble for awhile now and that everyone takes his word as gospel

yeah, I'm an idiot. he's just kind of annoying now. still funny as hell, but I guess i liked him better when he was an unsuccessful schlub rather than a successful happy guy. maybe I am the prick

No I get what you mean. Everyone was better when they were miserable and had nothing to lose. Burr is someone who comes to mind. But even though the way they used to be doesn't mean that they don't deserve the success that they have now. I like Louie and I like Horace and Pete. Yeah they aren't funny, but Louie's still a talented director and enjoys that artsy kind of stuff, so more power to him if he can do what he wants. He pretty much runs FX at this point

It's hard to separate Luis from his comedy career so H&P is difficult to watch with that in mind although it's not really such a stretch considering his career is it? Also, and I really think this shows, he ain't a trained actor or if he his he wasn't paying attention. Don't get me wrong, he's not awful but watching him alongside the likes of Buscemi reminds me of watching Seinfeld being " ok " next to the likes of Alexander and Dreyfuss on his sitcom.

He's sort of cakehorned himself into these projects when perhaps he'd better serve just as the creative talent behind the camera.

You should drop character more often

You should smile more. I bet you have a great smile.


"acts like he was never good" was the alternate name for this subreddit. It's the backbone of why we come here. Except for Colin, he was always good, even when he sucked.

are we supposed to believe all the dorks that paid 150$ to see jim norton doing edgy chick with dick lulz material aint just trying to justify themselves spending 150$ on chick with dicks lulz material?

Whos spent that to see Norton? I saw him last September and it was 25$


People work with what they're given. One good special and people will change their opinions. Stop being a faggot and acting like these opinions are set in stone.

He's had multiple good specials

That's my point. Wait until another one comes out and stop acting like reactions are rock solid stances. People are reacting to his latest shit. It sucks. When he releases something good people will react accordingly. It's reactions not researched positions. Nobody says "Louis always sucked." They say "Louis sucks now."

I've seen threads on here saying 'he was always a cornball' and other blanket statements that his jokes are just 'faggot cunt red nigger mother' and stuff like that. It may not be you or I but people on here have actually said this

Yeah and I've seen threads on here by people like you complaining about other threads. Again, stop acting like there's some consensus. I saw 2 threads in a week, both heavily up voted, one about how Gavin is shit and one how Gavin is great. Next week there will be one about how Vos is awful then one about how Vos is one of the greats. The only idiots are the ones who try to find trends in this dumb shit. When Louis' next special drops there will he 3 threads about how he is amazing.

You should just fucking smile and blow me

I'll blow you but I'm not going to smile, that's some faggot shit.


I was expecting a story about how he pinned you in a corner and made you watch him jack off

If you read between the lines, he's pretty much admitting that's exactly what happened.

I like Louis CK still but I want the accusations to be true. It'd be pretty damn funny.

his standup didnt drop off. i dunno why people give him grief for doing some faggy theatre type tv show. i happened to enjoy the faggy show.

People who dislike Louis feel that way entirely because they're the kind of SJW ultra-tards that can't enjoy something if the creator has different political views than they have.

i hate when the term 'SJW' is used in any sentence... also who's saying 'tards' anymore. apart from those points, i agree with you.

It's a term that definitely has valid applications, but it's foolish when people paint it as an exclusively left-wing problem.

I agree with Louis' politics. Horace & Pete remains shit.

Louis would look like a marsupial without a beard.

Did Joe List open for him? if so, what was he like?

No, was hoping he would cuz he mentioned it on Tuesdays. Joe Mande & Rachel Feinstein opened, both were funny

Where was that?

I saw stinks ck last night.

Louie KC?

Dzzzzk fuckin good one

How's that MTA card holding up? He bought it with a stolen credit card?

Thst for sure that's what I'm thinking. Hopefully I can get a week or two out of it, about to head to work now

As of today it still works, supposed to be good till the 8th. Would be pretty sick if it does

Despite this sub hating him I reckon he's still one of the greatest comedians alive.

Glossed over the commas and thought you were talking about ISIS suicide porn, had me hard as diamond

Was his cock out during the "fly open" material?

no but after the show he could've gotten head from pretty much every college age dude there that I heard breaking down his comedy on the way out afterwards.

That alone justifies a theatre shooting..

Orlando shooter could have gone to that Louis CK show and killed even more fags.

Yeah but Louis wouldnt go for that, he likes to corner his victims behind closed doors and jerk it infront of them. This is common knowledge.

So what? That's funny.

Im not knocking him for it, honestly kinda admire his brazenness

Same thing when I saw a Louie show. In the pisser after everyone was trying out material. And then trying to analyze the comedy. They were all 20 something fags.

If I had an "auto rifle" I would've smoked all of them. And I'm a good shot .

Better than that dallas moulinyan

Did anyone else see him at the Patrice benefit? I thought he killed except for the Magic Mike part

What's SF

Special Frog

He's a pretentious cuck, but he's a funny motherfucker.

even though his fame has gone to his head and he buys his own BS to a certain degree, he's still one of the funniest guys on the planet. i just hope he hits a wall with his art house hack shit and sticks to the funny


Shut the fuck up.

u say odd shit to people dude

He said shut the fuck up.

so what ur saying i got a problem with Sean Rouse???

"hey whos dis sean roushe guy? never had so much press in his life"

The feels on the bus go round and round

so what ur saying i got a problem with Sean Rouse???