Jimmy tries to school intern by claiming that blood is blue (13:29)

0  2016-07-09 by dweebgoose



Tits: "There's no crying in radio"

Hah. Up to this point I've heard 2-3 bombs from him and a real good sniff when something he said wasn't bounced back and forward with.

fun useless fact veins are blue because they are low on oxygen so the blood cells are returning to the heart. They move at a much much slower pace on their way back to the heart. While the blood cell IS oxygenated it moves at a very fast pace hence the "He cut an artery!" "o shit quick tie a rag tightly around his arm to try and cut the circulation" Further fun fact this reverses when the cells are on their way to the lungs because thats where they get oxygenated

There was nothing fun about that.

Check out the big brain on Brad!


You're right. I looked it up so I could call you an idiot, but it definitely is Brett. Not sure why I thought it was Brad.

Looks like someone went to middle school!

Everyone hates your fun fact

Double fun facts sockcucka

Don't let people bully you into deleting your fun facts haha

I'm gonna kill you

Don't get blue/red or fast/slow BIOS everywhere

Haha, did he delete his account? God damn, people are sensitive

Thanks alot you basement dwelling Bill Nye wannabe fag, is that your masters dissertation there Doc?

I suppose next you will fun fact us that the earth is round, and Americans speak English because the Brits (Fun fact, they speak English too) colonized here.


You're right. I looked it up so I could call you an idiot, but it definitely is Brett. Not sure why I thought it was Brad.