Reminder that /r/OnA regular /u/weirdfellas (a.k.a /u/Doc_McCoy79 or /u/Det_Sipowicz) got all pissy when he couldn't buy an authentic movie prop then return it at zero cost to him. More links in comments.

2  2016-07-09 by Thomas_Daly


God I remember how that faggot would try and subtly plug his stupid podcast and try and act like an insider.

Also, he had hilariously thin skin. It was shockingly easy to get him riled up.

Reading that thread I was reminded that outside of this sub, calling people faggots and wishing cancer upon them is considered "not cool man".

I told someone I wished all their loved ones were devoured by dogs and they didn't get it.

Thread archive where you can read all his posts calling everyone a dumbfuck when they try to explain to him why he's a fucking idiot and a thief.

The god awful sketch in question. In case you don't get it: DUDE BOOBS LMAO

/u/Doc_McCoy79 /u/Det_Sipowicz does the back of your head tingle with embarrassment when you read the archived thread? How much like an ass do you feel?

Thank you for this I've been too lazy to look it up. What a trainwreck haha

Does yours tingle when you realize no one gave a shit about this thread, or your bizarre infatuation with me?


Jews ....

Why did you post this?

Because I just remembered it and found the original thread and all of his comments really funny. Others here haven't seen it and may enjoy it as well. I also like the idea of some shitty sketch writer not being able to live down a moment of stupidity.

Pretty timely with Ghostbusters (Cunt Edition) coming up soon, too.

It's on purpose. I work in PR for Sony Pictures and I will not have you disparage this film. I could have Patton Oswalt tweeting about you.

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