A Recap of one of Brother Joe's calls with a venue that cancelled him

10  2016-07-08 by Mr702law

Venue: Mr. Cumia, we've received some disturbing emails regarding some things you have in the past posted online. Some of it is very racially insensitive and we...

Joe: Oh... I need to explain the situation. My brother is Anthony Cumia


Joe: ...of Opie and Anthony

Venue: Howard Stern?

Joe: No. O and A.

(No reaction)

Joe: Well anyways, after the incident in Times Square two years ago (No reaction)

Joe: and the show disbanded. The old guys from the O and A subreddit (No reaction)

Joe: they sort of turned on the show and most of the people associated with it. They have been trying to amass evidence to ruin people's careers.

Venue: Mr. Cumia, I have no idea what you are talking about. All I want to know is, are these your posts?

Joe: it's... it's... those guys from Reddit. They take everything out of context. And Obama, he is black. I just talk about facts and sometimes people can't handle it. 2nd Amendment.

Venue: I'm afraid we have to cancel all future gigs. You really should talk to a professional.


This post stinks.

I liked it.

You're supposed to say "and I don't like it."


joe: why was i cancelled

venue: cus ur a butt

joe: no

Tss, wait, WAIT, I GOT ONE!

Joe: Hey, I wanna play ya show, er sum'm

Venue: I heard you were a fawkin racist.

Joe: Suck my fuckin PECKA!



Hey I'm looking to get a prop for my Ghostbusters sketch. Get this; the ghost wants to touch boobies! I've even got Tom Arnold in it. I just need an authentic prop from the Ghostbusters movie or else the joke simply won't land. Can you help me out? Also unrelated what's your policy on returns?

"I feel sorry for yo MOTHA."

I like how accurate this is


There's 0% possibility that Joe knows "amass"

I hope he finds one on his fat tits.

Normally, I'm not one for fan-fiction. Well done, sir.

Just one question...how does a blank stare come into play on a phone call?

It's a recap of both sides. I can say what she's doing on other side of call

Calm down, I was sucking your cock. I'm not allowed to comment on the taste?

I edited it you jack off

Calm down you sensitive Sally.

It was fine until the supposed booking agent for a professional business referred to the contract as a 'gig'