A little levity amongst the hate in here.

0  2016-07-07 by mattyp3


No see it doesn't ever fall it's just played in a loop. You can tell because everytime he hits the tree the same small pieces fall and he makes the same face.

No one likes you.

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Who would fall for this?

Your mom fell for it last night after I fucked her in her mouth, pussy and asshole.

haha nice


Wow fucking mothers. That was hilarious in 6th grade.

No it wasn't. It was way over the line and not any fun for my mother.

Maybe you should stop letting 6th graders fuck your mom.

We all know she likes it shot on her face and hair and 6th graders cannot cum.

I am not trying to insult your mother, just encouraging her to move her limits up 10 years or so.

Sage advice, I'll pass it on.

I am and will always be a wise and knowing advisor to you.



Haha! I could watch this forever!