
14  2016-07-06 by Phantas_Magorical


You funny motherfucker

More from the author:

Vaping Could Save the World, but Toxic Masculinity Is Holding It Back

"The tropes of vaping culture drip of toxic masculinity. In fact, women are more likely to try vaping than men, and more likely to want to. Mic spoke to several vape shop employees who said women and men are equally represented in the real-life vaping community. But looking at vaping's most visible ambassadors, you'd never know it. "

Jack Smith IV is a stupid asshole.

Jesus, that's not satirical?

If he's saying vaping can save the world, is he implying cigarettes are ending it?

Jack Smith IV sounds like a queer.

KILLIN it for us today at /r/opieandanthony

the bards will write songs about this man

It only works if the alert is in the text

His Twitter is fuckin hysterical

It really is awesome. So many trolling angles to it. From Trump to Clop porn, you never know what you'll wind up with :).

A lot of it seems like a private joke that I really wanna be in on

www.4chan.org will help. And I say that with the utmost respect.

Fuck my real life i can only relate to this shit here

I like Carlton, but what's with all the trolling man?

Hahaha thank you. I wish that article would have posted the one of me talking about reddit:


Carlton probly being flooded with the feminist bull dyke squadron as we speak.

referencing Sam Hyde just reminds me how geriatric and uneducated the majority of this sub (and o&a listeners) really are

Help me out with this one?

I must say he is a delight.

This is the same crew that photoshopped a Koran into the hands of Sikh man Veerender Jubbal to blame him for the Paris shootings.

Hahaha fantastic

I'm howling over here. vurry good.

sometimes i hear the things they do and I miss 4chan. so fucking funny.

then i remember the things i saw and remind myself nothing is really worth becoming that.

How is it that the journalists referencing Hyde never pick up on the fact that he's a part of the Alt right? There's been like three articles about 4chan joking about him but none mention the real reason .

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You serious? The show has been dead for 2 years.

wat abote im?

It really is awesome. So many trolling angles to it. From Trump to Clop porn, you never know what you'll wind up with :).

www.4chan.org will help. And I say that with the utmost respect.