At this point, who do you hate more? Opie or Anthony?

0  2016-07-06 by golightlys_iphone


I hate Opie more but I think Anthony is a worse guy if that makes sense.

I get it. I hate Hillary more than Trump but i think Trump is worse.

yup, Hillary is a phony like Opie, bunch of lies to get people to like them

and Trumps an asshole like Anthony, sure they can be honest but that doesn't make them less of an ass

u wut m8?

Opie is who I hate more. For Anthony, I just feel disgust and pity, like a retarded child eating its own shit.

do you have to attack ESD too?

Opie. Can't stand his radio style, his needy personalty or ignorant "What do you think?" way of forming his 'opinions'.

I've been listening to a lot of older clips recently and all he ever does is read lines from Paltalk or go to the phones so he isn't sittin there doing nothing. Infuriating.

Ant's death would not surprise me. Opie's death would make me smile.

I'd masturbate.

Opie is an awful radio personality, Anthony is an awful person. Opie is terrible 3-4 hours a day, Anthony is terrible 24 hours a day, weekends included. Gotta go with Anthony.

Opie's a piece of shit off air too, he's a cheap piece of shit who lies about everything and throws a tantrum at ANY criticism.

Though, Ant's shittiness is worse, it never really affected the radio, at least during O&A, and often it actually enhanced the show when the regular comics would be the shit out of him, ie Ant-ellini, being someone's prom date, having baby tantrums while gambling ("SEVENNNNN PLEAAAAAAAASE!")

Opie always always was the meanest to Bobo, Lady Di et al, and also the first and loudest to take credit for something "WE" did, when the show did something funny, and the first to pass the buck on not knowing something or otherwise fucking up. He's a piece of shit.

Opie 100%, he's an asshole. At least you know Anthony doesn't give a shit

Seriously Anthony doesn't bullshit who he is at least. Opie is a bitch.


I don't 'Hate' either of them because It's silly to hate someone you've never met or anyone for that matter unless they've committed a grave injustice against you. Hating someone for any less is just a sign of someone who hasn't fully matured emotionally.

Antony has definitely fallen farther from not only this sub's graces but from the graces of the people whom he once had a business relationship with and then mistakenly confused it for genuine friendship i.e. Erock, Kenny, Travis etc.

While I'm sure Anthony was not exaggerating in any way about Opie's behavior when they were together, Opie understands how to act in a way that allows him to keep his job and appear the 'bigger' man. Anthony doesn't know when to just shut up and let it be settled.

Remember when Anthony first got fired and this sub went fawkin' bananas when he started openly trashing Opie after all the years of pent-up resentment? How long compared to their 20 year run did it take for us to get tired of hearing Anthony trash Opie: 6 months? A year?

Check out the "emotionally mature" hare krishna who doesn't hate anyone he's never met. Tree-hugging hippy cunt show-off.

As for "grave injustice", Tits has been commiting exactly that on the listeners of his radio shows since he was 18. Period. Sniff.

Ant's off air antics are keeping this sub alive. You have to give him that, if nothing else.

Definitely Opie.

Fuckin dude will definitely throw himself a necktie party one of these days once his kid is revealed to be Bam's

I don't hate either of them, but Opie seems like the bigger asshole. He comes off like a domineering, manipulative, insecure, bully, and he only seems to be funny by accident. His lack of self awareness and empathy is enraging.

Ant seems like a jerkoff, but more likable and he's funny. Or at least he was funny at one point. The whole Danni strangling thing doesn't really effect my opinion of him positively or negatively.

I hate Opie more. Anthony is still funny and entertaining under the right circumstance. Opie isn't, and never was, either of those.

The unfunny one.

Honestly I don't hate either, but I find Anthony more likeable in a bumbling misguided sorta way.

Tits. Wins by a cuntry mile.

What's the sound of one hand clapping?

It's like picking my least favorite child.

I don't really "hate" any of them.

I certainly dislike Opie for the many times he's derailed the radio show, for his disloyalty to Anthony, for being an absolute fucking baby, and for always managing to make himself the victim whenever shit hit the fan. He also is just not funny or entertaining, and nothing could fix his fucking show, besides bringing Jimmy and Ant back, which is impossible.

I love Anthony, even now, and think if he found a proper co-host that could squeeze a laugh out of me once and a while and could get him going the way Jimmy does, his show would be worth the money. Shit, he could even bring Gavin on if I didn't think the whole thing would devolve into a race/politic rant. Maybe ESD if they could manage a sober two hours together. I do hate his opinions on certain things, the way he behaves on twitter, and the crimes he's committed especially. His stupid racist bs is just Ant tho.

Jimmy is where I'm really jaded. I love the guy when he's with Ant. Unfortunately, he's not very good pretty much anywhere else. The two have KEMISTREE that cannot be replicated. Otherwise Jimmy is an unfunny comedian, a terrible actor, and a worm who could've made more money if he left with Anthony but was afraid to take the chance. Downvote me but EVERYONE would have a sub if it was the A&J Show.

Anthony shouldn't have misled the audience after his firing.

Opie is annoying and a COMPLETE moron, no doubt. But Ant is a straight up piece of shit of a human.

Fuck Ant.

Jim Norton.

For being a fucking pussy.

I think you meant "sick fucking puppy".

C: Jim 'the worm' Norton

Between Opie and Anthony? Def Opie. Anthony at least has the common sense/lack of sense to keep a lot of his trash off youtube so I rarely stumble upon it unless im here. As where the O&J comes up a little more often.

edit: holy jeez let me clarify this post as it seems to got a few people upset.

** Unless I come to this site I really dont see a lot of Cumia, as where if I visit youtube and other sites I will run across Opie videos once in a while.

no I don't have twitter

no I don't "follow" any of these people

yes I visit this sub often

yes I am autistic

yes I have no life

Yeah Ants really got his shit together when it comes to social media

again, out of sight out of mind. Ant is def worse. please don't get me wrong. Its just I never come across it unless I visit this site as where the O&J stuff is out there more.

I guess you missed his Twitter rants that ended his radio career and periscope performance that put him in jail.

how did I miss this ? ! you just sold me on a subscription to TACS and Grandpa Tony on twitter.