Norton talks about the O&A fans on Nick Mullens CUM TOWN podcast.

8  2016-07-06 by GRIZx


Oh, so that's where Sam's dad gets his moustache wax.

It's funny because Mullen has a moustache too.

Norton's career is really taking off doing a 20 year olds podcast in his late 60s.

Cum Town is great

Yeah I really like it, Nick is fucking hilarious.

I agree.

I just found this pod today. Funny to see it cum up here. (you see I replaced the word come with cum for humor)

It's a really funny pod. Immediately a fixture in my rotation. Stavros I never thought much of on YKWD but he really shines here, and is a good complement to Mullen. Plus, that name.

Pod? Did you just refer to a podcast as a pod? Fuckin end your life now

Heeeey... it's Mark Normand.

Yeah I've taken on Mark's lingo

shoots self

It'd be hilarious if you are Mark and genuinely got anxious when he called you out.

Their intro music is the Home Improvement theme?

Haha wtf, I expected it maybe to sound like it. Definitely didn't think it'd really be it

I'm so sick of this phony faux intellectual creep. He's a sensitive baby boy and he looks like a skeleton wearing sausage casings. Fuck him.

serious norton is un-listenable

He truly believes his career is worthy of second thoughts.

i believe colin reffered to it as "the utter pomposity of james p norton"

Time stamp?

The first 30 mins is Jim, they said that the batteries ran out and they lost the recording but they take a few jabs about him answering all seriously instead of joking around.

St-st-st-stamp it!

Can too. Double stamped it. No erasies.

Any chance of a little synopsis?

5 mins in - "The fans are angry. They're like us, they tell it like it is; and honestly say what they see. But I don't understand why they've turned on us so angrily after making them laugh for 10 years." He thinks fans are angry because they feel like they were fooled when they discovered opie and anthony aren't actually friends, but even so, "he's told the fans more than enough about himself", what more do you want from him? Most of you don't even use your real names when you yell at him (yes, seriously, again).

15 mins - sobriety talk

We got annoyed when you stopped being funny, you shriveled up little nothing.

thank you wasnt gonna to listen to that shitcast, norton still trying to spin the whole thing lol


Did they ask Norton about the perks? Or why Jenny Carm has a brand new BMW?

That thigh gap.

Time stamp?

They are on a roll for getting big name guests coming to Cum Town, last week Kofi Annan and this week Jim Norton. Congrats!

Isn't this guy like an even less funny Kuck Metzger?

Yeah, but he's white tho.

I think he's funny.

Stavros' laugh is so fuckin irritating.

Cum town? Jesus fucking christ, enough with the podcast names.