If SAMCRO wasn't on a list before, here sure is now.

29  2016-07-06 by IHateSherrod


Sirhandout Sirhandout

Leech Harvey Oswald

John Wilkes Mooch

Charles J. Guitarzan

James earl gay

Welfare Frey

I like how all the comments are basically advocating murdering people and making fun of assassinations. Fucking assholes. Cess pool of society right there.

Assassinations are pretty sweet though, especially if you are in school. Get to go under the desk and turn off the lights while and olduh genolman rubs his hands on your shoulduhs and whispuhs in yuh ear.

Joe goes to a Hillary campaign rally & makes small talk with the body guard. Asks how he could apply for a position but gives a fake name & address

Halfwit Krinkle

How does anyone have the audacity to spend every waking moment complaining about politics when they have literally contributed nothing to society.

Hey, he provided many nights out for horribly depressing middle-aged couples who wanted the U2 experience at cover charge prices.

He's 50% responsible for Anthony's success and therefor a job creator.

someone please report him to whatever agency pays attention to middle aged retards

Other than Denny Falcone being promoted to Opie's role and then firing him, nothing show-related would make me happier than if Brother Joe got on a terror watch list.

Or a victim of someone on the watch list

casual OA fan here, why is brother joe called SAMCRO?

Sons of Anarchy Motorcycle Club Redwood Original.

I believe there are photos and comments out there that indicate Joe wants this to be a real thing and he wants to be part of it.


Seems like a certain Richard Gold is putting the boots to the comments section.

We could only hope, but this tool won't get into any trouble. He will just keep ranting on Facebook until his profile gets shut down.

Yes but what are your feelings toward Sherrod Small?


I hated GWB, but never did I suggest or snicker about his assassination. Even those douches who made that "What if Dubya was shot?" documentary deserved every bit of shit they caught for it.

People should be able to own guns, but people like Joe should be banned from owning one ever again.