This is the only thing Gavin has ever done that made me laugh.

0  2016-07-05 by MisterChickenEgg


What the fuck part of an unfunny, try-hard Canadian clown lecturing on American politics did you find entertaining? The part where he screamed incoherently or when he incoherently screamed? I would rather listen to 10 hours of Sherrod's expertise on the Transpecific Partnashipnigga than literally anything that is screamed out of those lazy Canuck lips.

He's a faggot, but he's making fun of people who are even bigger faggots

Very disappointed this wasn't a news article (well, blog post) saying he walked into traffic this morning.

"This content is rated 'rebellious'"

Was it?


The sad problem with Gavin is that he clearly respects humor but has none of it himself, and nothing original to add to the conversation. He shit-talks people like he's "in with the crew " and fucking amazing and then... this

The crew? Do you refer to o&a comics as the cellar crowd or the New York scene aswell? Fucking faggot

Aswell isn't a word but its good to know you've got Gavin's sense of humor.

Fuck you for enticing me to watch this shite. He entiiiiiiiced me.