Anyone have jury duty recently and who do I have to call a nigger to get out of it?

0  2016-07-05 by iWhereSchortSchorts


I'll tell you how to get dismissed without getting into trouble. There will be some form questions like "does everyone here understand that someone is innocent until proven guilty" or "does everyone understand that the defendant in a criminal case does not have to testify and we cannot make any negative inferences?" Raise your hand and say "I think if someone is innocent they should get up there and tell me" or "I don't believe innocent people just get arrested".

If it's a civil case express strong feelings against how litigious our society is.

If you do the above, one of the attorneys will bounce you.

Depending on the case, you may get asked something along the lines of "How would you feel about serving on a jury for a case involving X?"

And if 'X' is something, say drug related, you can say something along the lines of "Well, in cases like that, i think it would be a good use for Jury Nullification"

That should get you bounced.

I assumed I would have to get bounced by one of the lawyers by appearing to be the wrong fit for their trial. Thanks man.

Just don't do anything stupid obvious. My examples are completely rational feelings for people outside the system.

Yeah, a lot of people had some ridiculous excuses and some cunts wouldn't knock it off about their kids. Is having to watch your kids an excuse?

Generally, no

I didn't think so but they were being indignant about it.

There's an attorney I know who is a solo practitioner and he said he runs all his cases and it would be an extreme hardship etc. they said tough and he muttered something like thanks for nothing under his breath and he got thrown in jail for a night. He should have just said nothing and they would have bounced him eventually and neither lawyer wants a lawyer on the jury.

You usually have to have an extreme hardship to get out. Something more than I'm a mom or my family relies on me to make money. But again, just do what I said and you'll get bounced fast

I didn't think so because it's just as basic as trying to say that you have a job you don't want to miss. They definitely asked those questions about personal experiences related to the case that would make it difficult for you to be impartial. Most people sounded full of shit when they were trying to get out of it.

This absolutely works. Got called in last year, gave similar answers on questionnaire, dismissed in first round.

Start with the bailiff and make your way to the janitor.

Tell them you have a lot of police and/or lawyers in your family. You'll be out of there before lunch.

He isn't a Jew, so just the police part.

Can confirm, in Brooklyn I used this. I used this to get out of a civil case against a cop though.

Ask /u/i-take-beast-shits he has 20 years of law experience and it shows.

Or that faggot who told me Stanhope had millions any attorney would take Amber Herd on as a client to take. Even though Doug said for years he lives in Bisbee because he isn't rich.

Haha even Stanhope's net worth isn't a million on those ridiculous sites.

I've gotten notices in the mail saying to call a number the night before. Had to do that for like a week then I was dismissed and was told I would not have to serve again for five years.

If your lucky you might not have to even get up off the couch.

I was on the semi final list for a murder trial but ended up not being picked a few years ago. They do have a question on if you are racist.

I just filled out the forms and they didn't ask, perhaps when I get called into the room. Were you in New York?

I am in Queens. It was the second round of a murder trial questionnaire before the judge talks to you. But they picked enough before they got to me.

It doesn't work that way anymore. As a matter of fact a judge sentenced some Asian chick to a lifetime of jury duty for using racial slurs. It was overturned, but still, they don't dismiss you for that anymore.

I'm just going to lead with, "I don't want to be anywhere near those nickel swindling Sheeni lawyers."

Not really. That judge just hated blacks and Puerto Ricans.

Who doesn't, amirite?

I just got jury duty for Kings County in the mail a week ago. I heard that if you're coherent and have your shit together, they won't pick you.

You live in Brooklyn?


I just don't go. Is that bad, should I not do that? I never shoulda registered to vote.

Know several people who do the same. It's not like they send the summons certified, so who's to say whether it ever ended up in your hands?

The first time I got one I was able to call and put it off for a year, every other time they just went in the trash.

Hmmm, the flyer said jail and/or fine so I went. I'm kind of a pussy.

Same. I answered, too, but was determined to finagle my way out.

It's more fun that way haha.

Main reason why i never registered to vote

just do some jim norton characters and you will be relieved pretty fast.


I got summoned a couple months ago. Landed on dates I was going out of state. Showed the clerk the hotel receipt, and got dismissed.

They ask if you value a cops opinion over a civilians. Just say yes

They asked, "just because my defendant is referred to as the defendant in court proceedings does this sway your opinion on his guilt or innocence?" I guess the wrong answer was to ask what color they were.

Say you have family in law enforcement and that you can't guarantee you'll not be biased

Can't they check into that shit?

I guess they could. I doubt they'd bother.

Everybody seemed to know a lawyer or police officer.

Jury nullification.

Who doesn't, amirite?


There's an attorney I know who is a solo practitioner and he said he runs all his cases and it would be an extreme hardship etc. they said tough and he muttered something like thanks for nothing under his breath and he got thrown in jail for a night. He should have just said nothing and they would have bounced him eventually and neither lawyer wants a lawyer on the jury.

You usually have to have an extreme hardship to get out. Something more than I'm a mom or my family relies on me to make money. But again, just do what I said and you'll get bounced fast