Full Frontal

6  2016-07-05 by ChipChipperson2

Unfunny ads for this cunts show are in between every family guy commercial break. Who the fuck watches her?


You dont understand. Shes wacky and zany and breaking up the BOOOYS CLUB of late night tv. Let's not have TOO much fun now...

Ohhhh, I'm sure she keeps those crazy guys in line.

Who the fuck watches family guy?

It and King of the Hill are my two background shows, I go insane if there's not noise in my ears while I work.

you obviously don't understand the importance of proving the value of women by taking untalented and unqualified women and over exposing them to an uninterested audience.

I hope she gets AIDS

I avoided her on The Daily Show and I liked that show. Can't imagine who would seek her out

ahh that genuinely bummed me out a little bit. The only reason to do that other than feminist brownie points is if he personally knows her which I kind of doubt.

He just wants to Jack off in front of her.


Who the fuck watches family guy

You watch file guy reruns on TBS. You are worse than her.

I'm a nobody though, no ones broadcasting me watching TBS family guy reruns on national TV. In fact, that would probably be more entertaining than her show.

file guy

I fucked this up 4 days ago. I thought I had gotten away with it.

I think she's funny, but that show is god awful. TBS is useless outside of Seinfeld reruns.

sadly, she is still better than John Oliver or that guy with Anthony's complexion.

You're watching the network she's on, slap nuts, and they have two original shows.

I'll be honest, with all of the recent token girl comedy shows on CC it's actually not half bad. The writing is very fresh and new, and they're not as shitty as Willmore, Noah, or any other left leaning shows. I actually got to see a show when I took a tour of the studio grounds and got to see what it was like behind the scenes. I met some of the writers and they showed me where she practices for the show. There was a woman there but I don't think it was her, she did however suck my fawkin juicy fat pecka and sat on it wit her ass hole because she wanted it so fawkin bad and she said Chippah stay a little longer and I saw nah I gotta go

"Rehearses" not "practices"

The writing is very fresh and new

Shitty political jokes by some unfunny cunt?

You didn't read the post, dummy