What Are Some of the Best Posts You've Read Here

2  2016-07-04 by TheScarletR

Can you guys link some of the better posts from this sub. For example, some of the ones that have spurred real life drama for the gang or some that include or are about fun storylines from the show. Or even storylines from here, like the Danny Stalker thing. I'm just looking to read some interesting O&A related stuff.


just look at the all time top posts you retard

I really didn't need that kind of a verbal beating

Remove your Arabian deathmask and look dummy


Not this one.

Just found this, referencing Opie haha

His palms are sweaty, knees weak, tits are heavy

There's sauce on the wall already, Bam's spaghetti

He's nervous, but on the surface he looks torpid and petty

To drop bra bombs but he keeps on forgetting

What he wrote down, the whole crowd boos so loud

He opens his mouth, "fuck haters" just spills out

He's choking how, everybody's joking now

The clock's run out, career's up, over, pow

What an innocent time that was.

Wow, true poetry.


The chip response to this and the top comment on this made me laugh quite a bit. The entire thread on that second link is great.

That Jezebel thread is fuckin hysterical

From the Jezebel thread about Amy Schumer;

"She has the face of an orangutan and the body of a software developer."

LOL. Fucking ruthless in that one, holy shit.

Edit: Another gem.

"If you don't have a Y chromosome you're a useless cunt."

Anthony's drunken rage posts, in which he would yell at us.

This sub has again shown itself to be pure class. My friendships with anyone regardless of who they are isn't your business but I get it. I'm a public figure. Bashing people because they are my friend is another story. Some of you are just horrid cruel people with no other goals than to try and hurt or destroy people. You come here and treat genuine cruelty like a video game. I've addressed your latest "find". I have no problem with it. If having been friends with Sue is a problem or funny for you sorry, I can't help you there. But again, some of you are putrid little trolls trying to inflict damage in people's lives. People you have no clue about. I bet if I posted this and some of the topics here outside of this sub a lot of people would have this sub slammed shut in no time for "hate speech". You HAVE to know that's very possible in today's climate. Hmmm, maybe I will.

i bet he isnt a friend of sue during him being in court, get it? Sue? tss

Lol "You guys do get a bit carried away at times. Funny though" -Anthony

"I hate niggers" -Ant

Thats some quality shit

There have been some really funny ones where people pretend the post is going to be about something else but then it says "Rich Vos at McGooby's this weekend".

You're full of shit.

Hes at the Laughing Derby in Louisville this weekend, not Magooby's.

I liked the threads of knickers talking about his day, which is probably symptomatic of a massive personality disorder


Remove your Arabian deathmask and look dummy