Not 100% sure Sam Roberts is fully human

75  2016-07-04 by Dennyislife


Looks like Powder fucked ET and they dressed him up as John Cena for Haloween

Comments like this are why a subreddit dedicated to a radio show that's been dead for two years is still worth visiting.

What is dead may never die

I haven't laughed that hard since someone commented that Brother Wease looked like Hipster Opie after a year of having AIDS.

Because this is what the show was. They'd read feedback and they'd fuck with callers. They got their heads so far up their own asses with Twitter, they're never away from the show and they can't handle it 24/7 so they block all critics and anyone that upsets them.

They've created an echo chamber for themselves and that's why they suck. I don't blame them though, if I had a legion of psychopaths constantly jabbing at my insecurities I'd hide from it too.

PS: Bam fucked Lyndsi and Opie's kids are Margera bastards.

Hudson Snow.

Not to mention the Billy Crystal wig they put on him.

Ba da pa da doo da pa. And after hurricane Katrina I lost my favorite trumpet.

Fam... i'm dyin

Hahahaha. Perfect description.

Nature tried to kill him and seal his cock shut but modern medicine and mommy's love gave the world this survived abortion.

That's not very nice.

I know right, they should have just cast him from the cliffs of Sparta like actual good human beings.

He literally disgusts me.

He also figuratively disgusts me

Why would he put this picture out there?

Is there any picture where he looks good?

He looks like a salad

I don't know why I found this so funny.

Funny you should mention that...


Ironic, as he's never eaten one.

His hairline matches the shirt

He looks like a Maddam Tussaud statue if they cranked the heat up

His head is skewed. Like, Photoshop skewed. Have I explained this enough?

Stop screwin around and get to the point.

Camo cargo shorts and wrestling T? For somebody who claims to be hip, he seems to be stuck in the 90s.

WTF.. Pretty much every O&A character is extremely hideous.

Haven't you seen Jim recently? He's lost a ton of weight and looks awesome!

He looks like a bobs burger character.

He looks like the biggest asshole on the planet.

He looks like he's hiding a martian body under that drape of a shirt.

It's time for a new profile picture ol' Sammy boy

Just remember, this man is in his 40's

No chin having piece of shit. I bet he hates when he has to fold towels.

He looks like Agent Smith's dumb younger brother Winston.

Fawkin double-plus-good, Chippahson!!

No one should have to live looking like this.

He has the exact same physique as the alien on American Dad.

Looks like Moe from the Simpsons, if he was castrated half way through puberty and then only fed bits of Doritos and beer sips for the next 20 years.

That picture is not flattering

100% queer



He looks like the runt the other cavemen would take with them on the hunt to fuck at night.

If they ever do a remake of California Man, this Cro-Magnon-looking fuck will be perfect for Brendan Fraser's part.

Encino Man?

Yes. Was called California Man in the UK

Starring Pauly Continent

Dumb name. They even mention the town theyre in is Encino AND its California . You limeys arnt THAT dumb

"English people wont know encino is in california. Even though encino man is a reference to piltdown man we need to change the name to spoon feed the Brits"

Countless British works of fiction have been retitled and modified for distribution in America and the motives for doing so have been far less nebulous than this. British books are often even 'translated' into American English due to the assumption that Americans might not know what words such as 'centre' or 'sabre' mean, or that they may give themselves brain aneurysms whilst attempting to pronounce words like 'plough' or 'draught'.

I agree

No wheezing the juice.

Its "weeze" cause pauly shore is "the We-saaahl"

Looks like a kid toucher.

He took hgh for years. Got the huge Barry Bonds head but kept the horrible chicken finger wimp bod.

He looks like a Sam Roberts Simpsons character.

Whoever tweeted "Randal" from the cartoon Recess, nailed it

For years I've been trying to figure out who Sam reminds me of

His creep level is pretty close to Roland's.

Roland looks like a fat Hannibal Lecter in that photo.

Sad part is, that's skinny Roland. He's put on 2 bills since then.

Oswald Cobblepot?

He's all forehead and no chin.

Is he living out of that Amazon box now that his wife split?

I found her twitter. They are still together.

Holy shit is all the chicken tendies giving him a gut? I like him more now

He should be on the other end of that leash.

He looks like a nervous alien.

One trying to blend in with humanity and hide from the Men in Black.

Ah he's going with the "rejected mannequin at JCPennys" look

He looks like an emaciated Neanderthal.

He looks like my father in law, who's like 70 years old.

Looks like one of Roger's disguises in American Dad.

I ain't kidding ... that bitch be a throw back ...

This is the first time I've seen a withering afro, I feel a bit ill.

How does this hideous monster get so many hot girls to surround him.

I fking hate John Cena

He makes it so easy to hate him. It's like he works at it, with that goal in mind.

He looks like an unfinished wax sculpture

i believe it's some manner of pre-human species, or perhaps this is the result of exposure to radiation in utero

It looks like he's wearing a coshtume.

Beans from Even Stevens looking motherfucker.

The thing is that Sam is supposed to be a four foot ten inch freak show but his parents were covered by insurance for modern medicine and treatment for their boy. Sam Roberts is the result of early modern testosterone and steroid treatment in underdeveloped, non retarded children. Im sure they're much further along 20 years later, but it's obvious Sam got treated during the early experimental years. 40 years ago he would have been dead or left at an orphanage to rot.

Ah, simpler times....

Some sort of radiation damaged sloth fucked his mother slowly, deep and hard.

Has no one started a Bald NotSam twitter account yet?

Get on it, nigger


He was the weakest chin and the most awful skin I've ever seen.

It looks like he's standing in front of one of those wacky mirrors at carnivals that make you appear stumpy and short.


you faggots who like this cuck faggot nigger lover are fucking retarded. if he was chewed up in a combine accident i would do nothing but laugh my ass off.

I love this little faggot nigger lover, and I've love to see him get chewed up in a combine accident as well. I'm so conflicted.

His body is rotting before our eyes.

love his burn victim wig.

More like burn victim hair

He the proto-victim.

Man! Bob Dylan is getting old.

What a fucking mutant. Kill it with fire. Or anything else at hand.

Real life Mr. Burns ladies and gents. The special effects are amazing on this one! sure bet! No way Baby-Wrist Roberts can hold up that phone without support! But after seeing this, you'd believe it with your own eye's. Side story, dog opens box and opie is a vampire.

camouflage cargo shorts.

He needs a beard badly.


I believe the term is "halfling"

I heard he has a hole as a co-host now....has this been discussed, if so, where?

Looks like the love child of Beans from Even Stevens and Larry from the Three Stooges

holy shit lol

I like Sam, but he is not aging well. In 10 years he's gonna look like that nigga from Sideways, and then 10 years after that he's gonna look like Willem Dafoe.


Well he is black