friends, i fell off the wagon ☹️

0  2016-07-04 by i_love_knickers

i knew it'd be a diffucult weekend to stay sober on, so wih some foresight i decided to make an alternate account to drunkenly post with. I am ashamed and i dont' deserve this cmomunity

i just hope you all can forgice me. i'll start anew tomorow, but todays is for me


Well you might as well enjoy it for fucks sake.


I also did this today but ye don't see me getting all faggy about it, keep your shame to yourself.

Help me plz

That's OK, Knicks. Now go outside and play with your drone like a proud boy.



Poor guy drown your sorrows in some sparklers

Impostor. 😠

Haha.. I totally fell for it

I hope you broke your ankle.

Just kidding pal-o. ☺️.

I wouldn't worry about my little knicker knockers as I call them. They like to tell porky pies ( as well as eat them lols ) but they're basically harmless.

Just don't get their blood on you. Some membership " perks " really are not worth having.

No im the poster ;)


and now this account will never be used again


Braver man than I.