So..what do you Americans actually do on independence day? We've got our own next year..

0  2016-07-04 by Dennyislife

Judging by Americans on twitter its blow yourselves up with fireworks but we do that on November the 5th celebrating a failed terrorist attack so what else?



I've drank about 50 beers this weekend and eaten nothing but hamburgers. I've been to 2 cookouts and may have one today if this hangover ever heals. `Merica

yea but most of you americans look like rolando's relatives

That's just the freedom deposits in our bodies

every time i see your username it reminds me of that great patrice clip

fucking tiger taint

One of the best laughs of the show for sure

fo sho

Where's your non American ass from


How does one come across a show like OnA from across the world

i guess it started with being a fan of bill burr, jim jefferies louis ck etc and when i started running out of their content i saw OnA clips with all of them on appearing on the shows, after that it just fawking stuck to me

Fawk yeah double continents cawksucka


We eat, drink and handle explosives.

Watch the tour de france.

If you're a lady you post on facebook about how lots of dogs run away because of fireworks.

I've noticed the slactivist are trying to do away with fireworks. The "dogs get scared" bit isn't giving the outrage train enough momentum so the last few years it's been "fireworks are triggering Veteran's PTSD"

just put them in bunkers during the fireworks, might help with that

Smoke a chunk of pig, drink till I vomit then blow shit up

You'll be celebrating nothing if the twats on your rock get another vote..

Won't be another vote. Do think we'll sign up to terms which mean absolutely fuck all changes though. All the people who fought for us to leave the EU have now fucked off and not left to do the important stuff.

Generally we like to lose 3-0 to Leeds. Then we knock about 'round Christchurch in Spitalfields.

Also, our myth of our Independence Day has swamp fights and a bunch of fucking blacksmiths and cobblers defeating the greatest navy in the world. Your'un has a dude named Boris.

Yeah well he was born in America. We can blame you lot for him. Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is his full name. Thats mythical ish

We drink cups full of arsenic.