What do you guys think? Will she make it as a comedian?

0  2016-07-04 by Ant_Sucks


So she was okay for 6 months after the incident? Sounds like someone needs another rape...

This is why we need the experts to acknowledge the existence of prescriptive rape. She was so strong for 6 months and now she's clearly going into withdrawl.

Allow me to take a whiff of my cocaine spirits and do the needful.

It's not that hard to understand, her boyfriend left because she went from a promiscuous whore to an agoraphobic self abusing drunk. Sounds like this guy raped her retarded.

How do you go from "I was strong! I was arranging fundraisers and still enjoying sex with my new boyfriend!" to "I have PTSD and I now cut myself!"

If she was clever, she'd at least have the decency to lie and say she was triggered by another comedian's rape joke which led to her downfall...

Daniel Tosh is Lucifer on earth. The bible said he'd be a middle aged twink.

She sounds like a wet blanket.

I like that you downvoted it haha. Who is this semen demon?

Sneaky bastard.

downvoted over 100 times?

basically raping her karma

She might be alright. Just needs to stop putting the punchline first

the actions of one person who decided to steal my sex

I think she stole his cum actually.

She has a chance... that story was hilarious!

who this bitch is?

Sounds like she should call in the advice show.

To be fair, she doesn't use the words "rape culture" nor does she ever suggest that comedians should not be allowed to tell rape jokes. Except for that one mention of "rape jokes" being prominent in her scene, she doesn't presume to speak for anyone but herself. This is some pretty level-headed shit.

However, "plucked up the courage" is not an expression and anyone who uses it probably deserved what was coming to them. :)

She will be opening for Jimmy after Kelsey moves on to the next Judd Apatow movie

Unless she gets a serious dose of "shut the fuck up, you dumb hole" from someone she respects then there is a 0% chance she'll make it as a comic.

She has a problem with "rape jokes" as though they're all the same; she's no different to any special interest idiot who finds everything funny until their thing is the subject of a few laughs.

What happened to her is awful but even though I've never heard one bit she's done, I'm confident that her gags are worse.


I am very sorry that Celtics fan lost control around Nikki Glaser.

You know where to find my thoughts on the matter.

Women like that are nature's fly trap, designed to attract and liquefy men who are a petulance on human kind. People like her are anti-matter waiting to suck someone up.

Why the fuck is she a comedian? How could someone that would type out something like this be funny?

I bet Amy Schumer will steal a joke from this future suicide candidate.

Really? Shaming her when she is looking for advice to sort this out and deal with PTSD? Poor form buddy, poor form.

"I went out one night and yadda yadda yadda, I woke up to a stranger raping and punching me."

So its her fault some idiot doesn't know how to contain himself?

Stupid bitch needs to take responsibility for her actions that put her in that situation. You would blame a drunk driver for killing someone, why is she in no way culpable for her lack of judgement that led her to go home with a complete stranger simply because she was drinking.

By this argument, she would have to force the guy to rape her..... Her drunkenness did not harm anyone; she made a bad choice, but that bad choice does not excuse the dumbass penis thinking mouth breather that raped her.

From her account it doesn't even sound like she was raped. She got too drunk and made a terrible decision to fuck a stranger. It's pretty simple don't blame others for your own shitty judgement when things don't go your way.

It's not her fault per se (am I saying that right? per se?) but she definitely deserved it.

Do we have a problem here, ma'am? It sounds like she made some poor decisions and actions have consequences.

Yes. Like the rapist needs to be castrated while being punched.

haha people rape women and theres nothing you can do about it, ha ha ha ha!

Who's shaming her? YOU, that's who.

Yeah, who is shaming her, what is raping her, and I don't know is jerking off in the corner.

We got a noble member of the White Knights of Internetus.

Go fuck yourself Sir faggot. Besiege thine castle, if thy honor has been besmirched.

Thy wife has adulteress relations with squires and farmboys, with your knowledge and permission.

if you don't mind me asking, how did u come across this particular subreddit?

No idea.