Jimmy pranks

8  2016-07-04 by JamesH26


Thanks to this I'll never look at someone named Stanley the same way ever again. Hey Stanley let's go back and throw oil on him.

"haayyyyyy staaannnllleeeeey"

"Hey WHORE, have some mustard"

doing shit like that as a kid was the best

norton's wheezing laugh combined with patrice's chimp laugh is so funny

Norton's laugh? You mean the one opie's been trying to imitate for years?

yeah he kinda thinks that it endears people to him; but like everything he does its wreaks of fraudulence

Fuckin Opie as Jimmy's trying to tell these stories:

"Andrea Pizer! Can we get her on the phone? Than? Steve?"

"It's time for story of the day...."

"Let's go to Paul in Nashville! Paul!"

I really hate him man. Wow.