Vic Henley - Lew's Cruise - On reorder! Check back soon!

11  2016-07-03 by Dennyislife


wtf, they told me to "check back soon" and I've been hitting refresh all day

His bio is a hoot.

"Vic has been featured on nationally syndicated radio shows like John Boy & Billy, as well as SiriusXM Raw Dog & Blue Collar comedy channels"

Because I've got nothing happening... I'm gonna see if I can get tits pissy about Vic paying homage to 'John Boy & Billy' when he has him on 3 days week.

I actually like Johnboy and Billy. Used to listen to them before I found O&A, they pretty much got me into radio. But Vic is just as capable of ruining their show too. Tits would pretend he doesn't know who they are.

Maybe we can get a discount if we bulk order as a sub.

only if that sexy beast Marion is going

He's such a hacky twat

Vic is so awful that even the scum on this sub wont bother to post vicious attacks on this thread

only if that sexy beast Marion is going