Doug Benson's show in Tampa started at exactly 4:20. LMAO!!! DUDE WEED!!! LOL

105  2016-07-03 by Ant_Sucks



I wish they would name a strain after him, not of weed though, but of a painful, untreatable, terminal virus.

Hey dude.. Smokin' Ebowla... 😂👅

Just kidding. I don't wish disease on you. Just good highs. Peace brother.

"Brothaman brothaman rolling papers. Can we sell that on a t-shirt, Sam??? New shirt! New t-shirt idea. You watch. I'm gonna make a lil side money."

Every time i almost forgot what a heinous man Opie is, you guys always remind me

The Douglas virus affects livestock in Australia. But we can just call him "Comedy AIDS" for short.

I watched a video of his stand up and it was literally just him on stage reading tweets on his phone. With some weed jokes peppered in.

This is why Colin hates this world

Tiresome from a frat boy. Pathetic from a 52 year old. It's almost legal. Who the fuck cares?

Compare him to LoS when they were all still smoking. If you listend to the audio version of the show you wouldn't know they were smoking. The only time they brought it up was when they were absurdly high. That's how stoners react. They smoke every day so why would it still be a big deal or interesting.

You don't like his lethargic stoner grin?

So old.

Did he have a stroke?


Isn't he like 56

He's Cumia-ancient. But not Cumia-haggard.


Or not living a life of white trash debauchery

Or staying inside a lot, watching movies.

Lmao this guy is crazy 😜


Just right-click and save it.



Theyre on my phone (android)

He's become a shittier version of Cheech and Chong which isn't easy to do because those hacks sucked dick. I like weed but what's so funny about it? It would be like a comedian dedicated 80% of his act to jokes about cigarettes or Heineken.

At least Cheech and Chong did weed humor when it was taboo and edgy to do so.

they also did coke humor which no one would touch today.

Um no...Even ted 2 has a coke joke

"Um?" Please tell me you're not over 15 and actually typing "Um."

Ummm.... thats all you got?

What else would I need? This is r/opieandanthony. We should all be embarrassed to be here.

I liked Cheech and Chong's movies when I was younger but yeah, they haven't held up very well. The first half of Up In Smoke still has some pretty funny parts though.

Please tell us more.

Even when I was a pothead I hated the "4:20 mannnn!" cocksuckers. We get it, you smoke pot, how edgy, you're wild and crazy.

Plus, if you're a pothead, why need an excuse to get high?

Just get high.

I took 2 paracetamol today, now that's hardcore.

"That shit will make you itch"

duuuuude did he come on stage and blow smoke? I fuckin love when he does!

Oof, tell me he doesn't do this.

I watched one of the netflix special and he did. it was so coooool.

Was it "Doug Dynasty?" The title alone tells me that it would be hilarious.

no it was a stand up special that i got 10 mins into and never watched again.

Ah, that was the title of one of his Netflix specials that was constantly on my front page.

what will this madman think of next?

It has to be emotionally draining being him. Waking up every morning knowing he has keep up that facade of acting like a bootleg Jeff Spicoli so he can pay his bills.

No jokes...noooo diiiice

Hold up, I just read that Doug did the DC Improv on July 10, for Dab Day. What is Dab Day you may ask? Well, they call it that because "dabs" are essentially smokable hash oil, and... wait for it, July is the 7th month and 7/10 spells "oil" upside-down. I say this as a former smoker for many ears, but holy shit do I hate stoner culture.

I used to make a big deal out of weed too in my teens.

You guys seem to have forgotten what a genius documentary film maker he is. He was the first person brilliant enough to take the idea of Super Size Me and change it into Super High Me. A fucking pioneer - brave, brilliant, completely original. Like a young Carlos Mencia.

I bet for most of the actual celebrities that go on his show, weed is fucking nothing beyond slightly irritating because they do great coke, and Benson doesn't know because he's not invited to the good parties.

Someone recently told a story on a podcast about how annoying it was that Doug showed up with a really drunk girl that annoyed everyone. Then, she fell and hit her head and was bleeding, and Doug disappeared as soon as it happened, like a real piece of shit.

Do you know what podcast?

Last week's YKWD.. Bob was telling the story.


No problem.

Damn, I can't remember. I should have made a note, I knew it would come up on here at some point.

And tried to eat all their decoy pizza. Fuckin slob whore.

Yes! What podcast was it on? I just listened to like 10 different ones so I couldn't remember which it was.

Definitely YKWD's latest episode with Kelly/Che/Verzi etc. Towards the end-ish.

Yes! That was it, another ep has come out since then (pretty great one actually), but yeah, it sounded like everyone was like "ehhhh" about hearing Doug brought up.

Im surprised he even found the stage he was probably sooo hiiiiigh maaaan

dassabesso...just high and hack'n

He does that a lot. Idea is the venue would be empty anyway. I think he can make even more money this way.

Doug Benson isn't a good comedian but he is very good at making money.

Doug Benson looks like Chaz Bono.

Too bad he doesn't look like Sonny Bono, present day.

Don't let Jimmy hear about this or else he might relapse

I wish I was there with a big phatty.

What a fucking rebel, man. I started drinking a Boston Lager at around 3 PM yesterday when I was cleaning my apartment so I can totally relate.

I don't get this stoners obsession with 4:20. What's the deal with it?

It's purely to celebrate Hitler and Columbine. Everyone who smokes pot is a misanthropic satanist.

do you remember "narwahls" meme on reddit? it is like that




why did you go to the show if you were gona have such a cunty attitude? he's a weed comic, thats his thing, you knew that before you went to the show stupid.

I live in tampa and was aware of his show; I didn't shitpost about him like OP, I just intentionally didn't support him. He is irrelevant to me, and his podcast is douchechilling


Can we keep weed illegal so that dildoes like doug benson stay away from it? So many people now becomming born-again potheads because it was illegal their whole lives. Its annoying, hed be called a boozebag if this was the bottle but since its weed its hilarious and co0l and random haha movies dude xD

Isnt his whole stoner shtick a front? I remember that LoS show with him being all quiet and the minute someone brought up weed, he was all of a sudden completely interested in the show.

I've heard he partakes in the edibles

sniff I've been thinking about getting into the edibles burp

Do you think Doug planned it that way?

He's the extreme!!! Power of Nature, baby!!!

Doug is fucked, because no one considers weed edgy anymore. It's not interesting to watch him smoke weed with people, as the premise of a podcast. Besides someone like Joey Diaz, people try to act chill when they smoke weed, so it's inevitably boring when there is no longer anything exciting about the drug. Pretty much everyone considers alcohol and weed the same, in the sense that they don't care if anyone consumes them, but obviously alcohol makes people more social and entertaining. Why watch someone just chill out and relax, I'd rather watch them get too high and freak out. I guess Doug has so many people in the weed industry trying to sponsor him that he is making bank.

There is nothing more boring than watching people smoke weed on camera. It's gone poorly too, there are multiple ones where the weed kicks in and the person gets weird / edgy / quiet / uncomfortable. It's a fucking stupid idea. If you smoke BEFORE a show, you can ease into the part where you are having a conversation. Most of the guests get high and then seem to realize they are on mic or on camera (or get paranoid) and close down some. Doug sucks at carrying a conversation that isn't about movies (or whatever) so there is a lot of slow / dumb conversation too.

It seems like since Doug looks high no matter what, he is overcompensating with the weed. He doesn't get funnier or anything, he starts trying to act cool, probably because he is trying to keep it together. That's only entertaining if you think weed is cool. It's not edgy anymore, so his show is like watching a middle-aged man say, "the alarm went off it's 4:19, so in one minute we gotta start drinking our beer." The more you think about, the more lame it seems.



Benson is the last person on the planet id want to get high with, hes a fucking buzzkill.

I'm not a fan but good for him for finding a gimmick and being able to make a living with it Worse things to be than 'the pot guy.'

The real genius of the 4:20 show is that comedy clubs give him a huge cut of the door for these shows, because it's basically just free money for them with zero effort. They still get to run their regular evening shows, and he only has to do 1-2 shows each weekend instead of 10 shows Wednesday through Sunday in a shopping mall in Pittsburgh.

420 friendly

So old.

Please tell us more.

Did he have a stroke?


Yes! That was it, another ep has come out since then (pretty great one actually), but yeah, it sounded like everyone was like "ehhhh" about hearing Doug brought up.