Was the love triangle that cost Anthony his career worth it?

60  2016-07-03 by JoeCumiaSr



He never calls adult females "women". He always calls them "girls".

They ain't that attractive...they both look like guys. Especially Dani now that she has boy hair

Dani is sexy. You're just trying too hard. No she's not a 10, so fucking what?


I'm with you dude she's pretty hot. I'd kiss the razor scars are her inner thighs all night long.

I'd suck the shit from her asshole and spit it in her face while I bent her fingers back until they cracked.

Remember his sad Tinder profile? http://imgur.com/a/fo6zs

I just spat out my own cum




spontaneous fun = hand and rib smashing

Come on over, have a few laughs, stream some abuse

"What I like in a woman? IQ around or below 90, documented history of irrational behavior. Bonus points if on the autism spectrum"

Must appreciate dated tv and movie references.

" And has a thick cock."

Nah, thats condition numero uno to being wife-material.

If you think that is thick I feel bad for you.

LOL!!! Fuckin EWWW

Stand next to the whip so these hoes know I'm caked up,NIGGA!

He is what he hates.

Holy shit this cuts right to the core of the contradiction, he hates the filthy lazy niggers because he is a filthy lazy nigger.

No shit he is.

Mother fucker was broke as fuck, defaulting on credit cards for stupid shit like jetskis, dodging the repo-man by hiding his car in a new place every night. Ant was a broke ass mother fucker who did all the same stupid shit he rants about.

Then he gets money through a god damn stroke miracle luck and what's he do with it? He buys tacky expensive shit like his cars and his house. He's, as they say, nigger rich as well.

"Spaghetti n-word"

Fun fact of the day: The 4th google search result of that term (when spelled out) points back to this sub

For once, that is a very fun fact.

moor rich

He literally couldn't look like any more of a desperate sleazy greaseball wop in that picture.

Jesus he looks bad for 54

i like his smooth skin. .. ant's isn't bad either.

haw haw haw.. yea..

Sue is Demetri Martin with terrible fakers

How much did they cost, those fakers? They're FAAKE BABY!


I wouldn't mind demitri martin so much if he would just finish his transition and shut the fuck up like Sue.

Fuck, I should have read the comments before I commented. I said he looks like Demetri Martin and the friend from The Wonder Years.

The original Freddy Kreuger was a child molester. Ant is perfect for the remake.

He's already got the burnt victim's face going for him.

Really? I didn't think that's what he was going for.

I figured it was just a random reference to Frederick "Son of a Hundred Maniacs" Kruger.

Drown in your own shit you fucking dense cunt.

I think it was the whole fucking teens shit.

I love you too.

Punching out boyzzzz

Hey guys, did you know that this subreddit is part of a larger site known as Reddit? Who comes up with these nuanced details!

If you zoom in very closely, you can actually see astronaut footprints.

I would fuck Sue over that awful rat faced Dani. Gross

i always thought vagina > penis, if you're hetero.

You would let a silly penis get in the way of sex? Don't be a faggot

Next time this revolting lobster face wants to preach eugenics, he should just have the camera close in on his mollusk flesh the whole time.

If he only had a time machine and could go back and meet Hitler and tell him everything he was doing wrong.

"Oh ja ja, What you say about the dark peoples and the savages is most interesting. But you must be so tired from your travels. Dr. Mengele will wish to speak with you as soon as possible but first my guards here will take you for a nice refreshing shower."


Got any more lobster back there Earl?

Fresh out, boss.

I feel sick.

sue has the ugliest man face

A geisha "girl", Freddie Kruger, and Harry Potter

Dani looks like a mutant and this is one of her more flattering pictures. That latest periscope was straight up horrifying.

What's that clip from?

The Taking of Deborah Logan. It's a little derivative (like most found footage horror) but I enjoyed it. Should be on Netflix.


That movie ruled, you're crazy.


If only there were an emporium where she could seek help from the ghosstsss

That picture of Ant could scare children. :(

Wow! Ant's skin is the way I imagined Deadpool's skin would look like on film.

So wait he's fucked Sue during the time he was dating Dani? Or was that before?

Allegedly during, hence the ruckus.

What is wrong with that guy? Hasn't he cheated on every girl he's dated?

He has no values.

Wasn't it just a rumor?

I embalmed a guy who capsized in his kayak. By the time they pulled him out, twenty minutes worth of the river's detritus abraded his face. His skin looked just as bad as Anthony's.

All Freddy Kruger style... Or seal

Holy shit. Anthony is uglier than a guy who literally had his face eaten away by lupus.

anthony isn't even the ugliest male in this pic.

What a hideous mug. Is that really just from acne? Like faces of meth lab explosions.

The Crying Game, Cabin Fever, [REC]

They called him Tony Coffee Cake because his face looked like a Drake's coffee cake. He was hard to look at.


I'm looking at those pictures, the only way I can describe it is "The X-Files," and they are all creepy in different ways.

Why does the tranny look better than Dani?

Wow that face is a mess

He's aged 4 years with 15 years worth of stress since that pic.

To be fair, it was taking the pictures of the black whore that cost him his career.

Happy 2nd anniversary (wavey guy)


Ant looks like one of those scary indians they use in movies to make the hero look more badass for beating them.

Ol Pepperoni Cheeks

the sharpen tool is not anthony's friend. neither is the camera i guess.

I watched Sue Lightining doing a cam show once. The voice is jarring when you first hear it, very male, or at best sounds like a very low voiced middle aged Jewish woman.

Was Sue still pretending to have a russian accent?

I used to think Sue was the least crazy of Ant's exes but he is a very mentally ill dude.

I didn't notice a Russian accent.

They can make it work in pictures but on video you realise they're just dudes. No matter how hard they try.

ol' nook-n-cranny face.

Ant looks like he was rescued from a pot of boiling water.

Ant looks like Freddy Kruger or Sargeant Barnes.

PockedAnt has to become a thing like BaldOpie.

That crator face

Ant isnt even the ugliest one of those 3...


It was really that first triangle that started the journey down the crapper.

Is that photo of ant shopped?...


There has to be plastic surgery for a crater face.

They have "dermabrasion" or whatever.

His pockmarks are way too deep, though. You'd really need to take an electric belt sander with extremely coarse grade paper to his face and that would only be a slight improvement. Really, the only choice is the post-Travis the Chimp face transplant surgery.

That guy on the left looks kinda like Josh Saviano (The friend from the wonder years) and also a bit like Demetri Martin

Attack of the lecherous lizard man!



Why does this place hate Sue? He or she or whatever is so cute.

She has a penis

I'm failing to see the downside.

And not even a nice giant thick veiny monster either. I mean whats the fucking point of being an effeminate tranny if you don't have a luscious fucking enourmous cock? Nobody wants to see that.

We like Sue; we just don't like her cock.

His career was long dead by this point, but yeah the Dani thing probably didnt help.

Was the triangle dropped on his fucking face?

That sharpen/vibrance whatever on anthony is so fucking brutal, had me in tears. bravo.

I'd still unload a bucket of cum all over Dani's face

I can't tell if ants photoshopped

Sue is much hotter

Sue is marriage material

That girl on the left is cute, what's her name?
