Remember that guy who killed himself?

0  2016-07-03 by fagballzzz

Can we get an update on that? Did it work? Are things better there?


Which one? Steve C? Someone from this board?


Grr. Grr.

Some dude from this board. It might have been a run of the mill overdose but either way he's free, making fun of the big titted man in the sky.

Who was it

One of the former heroin addicts here, unfortunately that's a good chunk of this sub and that's not counting the current addicts.

I saw a thread about it, I believe one of the mod dudes here used to talk about kratom with the guy, but the guy deleted his account, so it seemed a bit up in the air if he was actually dead.

Damn crazy.. That bums me out actually.

Don't be bummed out, it's not true. No one kills themselves then deactivates their reddit account after the fact.

Nah, though true when is the case. The mod and another dude were talking and I went to try to find who they were talking about and that guys account was deleted.

He should've called Jimmy's advice show.

Ever know anyone who killed themself or died? Their reddit,twitter,facebook etc doesn't get deleted. It just sits there inactive.

Of course, but I'd delete my Reddit account before I killed myself so my family doesn't go through it.

I don't agree. A deactivated account is more likely someone got bored of the place or just made a fresh account. Only a faggot drama queen would assume suicide over a deactivated reddit account.

two days later i read this and laughed.

You're only addicted when you're doing it.

That was just that sanfransico69 Gavin fanboy making shit up because someone deleted their account. He's constantly looking for any type of attention.

Constantly looking for attention? On an anonymous message board? What the fuck does that even mean? It's become a common joke on here to say a person is dead when their account is gone, obviously that went over your head. And you obviously aren't going to explain yourself, because you are incapable of a coherent thought. I have also never listened to a full episode of anything with Gavin in it and you moniter my account so you should know that.

You're loying.

Very well thought out response. Almost like someone that wasnt a total dope wrote it.

You are fucked. 🤔

Well said. A very smart person.

How much do you get for welfare? I'm thinking about becoming a bum.

What, are your parents cutting you off? I dont know much about welfare so I cant really help you...not sure how that's what you got out of this, but good luck I guess? I hope for your sake they give you another chance.

You're projecting again, fag.

Ah, the old "I know you are, but what am I?" thing. Dont mess with this guy, he can really put more than a 4 or 5 word thought together and give you the business.

You're a faggot an not worth the effort. I just like watching you squirm when I won't let you get the last word, fag.

Well yeah, you obviously either arent capable of putting in effort or are just unbelievably dumb.


he's engaging in echolalial scripting. leave him alone, he's autistic.

wow...I googled that, that makes a lot of things make SO much more sense.

Well he's not working Mondays any more.


It might've been PeckaSucka or FuckinPeckas I forget which one but he was easily the funniest one on this board before that hot dog guy came along.

"Ashes to ashes, dust to dust" as my father always said.

Damm, nu Uh? That dude was cool.


I'm more interested in wanting to know how that one dieing dude is doing, did his cancer go into remission?

Cant remember his name, i think it was Foot Thing on his Foot

Thank you