The Philly Thrashing Crew is back!

34  2016-07-03 by bdizzle45


No one in my real life can appreciate how funny this is

Real life? What's that??

As douchey and cringe worthy as these toolbags are, look at Opie in this mix. These guys, while losers, are at his wedding and having some fun, and instead of being in the middle of it, he's behind them and recording it for "Opie's Eye."

What a scumbag.

I don't think this was for his wedding, I could be wrong though.

yeh its really fucking sad. he's either a huge outsider (so put the phone down) or he's the typical idiot who has to film/take a pic of everything. life your life you thin haired idiot

Of course he's an outsider. He's at least 20 years older than most of the guys there and dating/fucking/marrying their sister or friend Lynsi. They are all probably skeeved out by the idea of an old man being with her but they have to pretend otherwise because she wants that money. So they let him come to parties but keep him on the fringe so he feels like he's part of it but not really. Plus they probably pretend to be his buddy when they need a Samcro Joe style permanent, never gonna pay it back, loan. He's just a sad, sad old man that no one has ever truly liked.

You think the 60 year old millionaire has trouble fitting in with the 20 somethings that grew up together?

It was just some Philly Crew wedding. Probably his brother in law somewhere in that pack of wild virgin badass especially.

Dear Frederica Bimmel

i love you bastards

Sherrod's BLACK?

fuck that greasy cunt. He had a couple of vids taken down from my Youtube page too, i complained and they were restored.

This was funny. Opie's such a butt hurt little bitch. Breuer took it well though

The strike could be successfully fought because it falls under the definition of transformative fair use law:

Has the material you have taken from the original work been transformed by adding new expression or meaning?

Was value added to the original by creating new information, new aesthetics, new insights, and understandings?

The context and inclusion of the music definitively alter the original meaning/purpose of the work, with the would-be protected content being used for the purpose of mockery.

Lol he added to it with other copyrighted work though.

I wish I could've witnessed Breuer seeing this for the first time... he must have been so jazzed.

The break down is just so fucking perfect. Whoever made this is a real bastard but I'm glad it's back.

Same with me. Watching this renewed the pity I felt for Breuer when he excitedly retweeted it. He's a good sport though.

Cuck Con


Make this into a gif and drop it in r/whitepeoplegifs


Nah, get this on r/blackpeopletwitter somehow. It will gain a lot more attention there. Post some caption about white people not like seasoning or some shit. They eat that up over there.

Nothing about this video isn't embarassing.

and better than ever

that video is so funny fucking hell

The best part is the awful awkward hug that grey suit douche gives troll guy.

Well that and the fact Gregg has to film it from outside the circle of cocksuckery.


I've never seen/heard of this before and I don't recognize any of these people...whats going on here

It's Opie's inlaws/friends from Philly. He took this video of them at some wedding. (I Cant remember if it was his wedding or someone elses)

Opie and the philly crew. They get really rowdy watch out. Funny thing is opie is still on the outside of the circle

Did they ever find Father Doris?

I hate this video.


Lol they arent back...this is the video thats always been around...consider me dissapointed.

I don't think this was for his wedding, I could be wrong though.

It was just some Philly Crew wedding. Probably his brother in law somewhere in that pack of wild virgin badass especially.

yeh its really fucking sad. he's either a huge outsider (so put the phone down) or he's the typical idiot who has to film/take a pic of everything. life your life you thin haired idiot

Same with me. Watching this renewed the pity I felt for Breuer when he excitedly retweeted it. He's a good sport though.