Happy Fourth of July from crotch grabbing Roseanne

11  2016-07-02 by [deleted]



probably the single funniest thing a female comedian has ever done

A close second to Joan Rivers dying.

She looks and dresses like she should be playing poker in the compound basement.

Fuck you guys. I like her.

This legit made me laugh as a kid.

I didn't get it as a kid, but now as an adult it fucking kills me.

As much of a cunt as Roseanne has become, this was truly great.

Wasnt this during the first Gulf war? Bad call singing it like... Roseanne would. ... whos idea was this? I know her show was number 1 at the time but... its Roseanne

whos idea was this?

Tom Werner from Carsey-Werner(producers of Roseanne) owned the Padres at the time, and was big on having celebrities from his television shows sing the national anthem.

tom werner is a cunt, owns a part of the red sox and all he cares about is celebs and signing shitty players with big names who have marketability like pablo sandoval.

I like people who genuinely do not give a fuck.

Did they get to throw the first pitch at her face?

Fuck this cunt. She was never funny and her relishing in her booing just makes me hate her more.

Has anyone ever told you to go kill yourself?

No. They always talk me out of it.
