What do you think of Club Soda Kenny?

3  2016-07-02 by [deleted]



prone to violence, low IQ, dim-witted. Typical cop.

ME: its just a few bad eggs. 99% do da right ting

Period sniff

All these niggas look like birds

He has an egg shaped head, a stupid voice, a retired cop's sense of humor, and he's the personal bodyguard of the least important stand up comic in the world.

Not disagreeing, but what is exactly a retireds cops sense of humor? I could use a few good examples for the lolzz plz

They should use that instead of waterboarding. NYPD must be regretting they once hired him.

I met him... kind of a dick

That's pretty much the consensus for anyone who's met him at one of Jimmy's shows or at an OnA event. Saw Jimmy play in NY/NJ quite a bit during the 2000s and CSK was always a jerk to just about anyone who tried to interact with him.

I think he stinks, and I don't like him.

I think he might be slow. Like, a little bit mentally incompetent.

99.999% percent of cops are good guys, sniff.

I hate that pig

Fuckin' pigs, fuckin pigs, war against the fuckin' pigs, stab 'em with some dirty rigs, buried under dirt and twigs, gotta hate that gang of fuckin' pigs

Loved when he was doing those DJ bits. Kenny Cowshit and some others. GTA, awesome. Steve was my favorite O&A guy, but Kenny is next.

He's a fuckin asshole

Ant - "maybe the cops were wrong in this particular situ-"


I hate him the most out of the whole o and a universe.

Roland tho

Forgot about that fat fucking pig, hmmm not sure who I hate more him or Kenny

Crooked, dirty cop failure zilch. I hope he gets raped by a pack of rowdy youth.

never considered it until now

and the slightest thing came across my mind and it was just gone

I like him when he was Dice's guy, and in the early days of O and A. He made the turn for me when he became the show's go to on police matters the last few years. It inflated his ego too much. He also brings out the worst in the others sometimes, as he makes them feel way to important, and imbues them with a false bravado.


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I wish he had encountered a hero such as Ismaaiyl Abdullah Brinsley when he was a cop.