Civilians like us just wouldn't understand.

81  2016-07-02 by [deleted]


I love comedians and I think they do view a lot of things differently that I agree with and appreciate. But the self-importance is infuriating. Most of them are college drop-outs, drug addicts, alcoholics, depressed, socially awkward, pretentious, and narcissistic. They aren't above anyone and when they talk like they are it's annoying. Just because someone went to college and got a job as a fucking anesthesiologist doesn't mean that their life is miserable because they didn't go to an open mic when they were 21

Sounds just like something a civilian would say

But the self-importance is infuriating.

This is it, this is it right here.

You see, comedians, a lot of what they do, is make fun of people.

People fucking love that. It's what comedy is literally based on. Making fun of people, groups (of people) or organizations (also, of people)

Carlin did it and he said some shit I don't agree with but he was NEVER intolerable because he always tempered it with silly shit. "Napalm, and SILLY PUTTY". It's why he's the best.

And it's why Jim "Finger in my ass! Come on, folks, let's see those hands ladies? Hi, daddy!" Norton, who fucking pontificates like Socrates, never will have mainstream anything. Every birthday he has, he will do more and more sellout shit. Believe me.

Bobby "Fat Stupid Unfunny Faggot" Kelly is actually worse, because he's even more self important, fucking SOMEHOW, having said even less funny shit.

Even when I didn't hate Opie (!!!) I never liked Fat Bob Kelly. You'd have Norton and Patrice and Burr just fucking hitting dingers like Murderer's Row and then you'd have Bobby saying fucking NOTHING. Fuck him and fuck comedians.

I don't hate comedians at all, just that part about them. I love Bobby, too. Yeah, he's long winded but he is genuine and wants to help people and he's supportive of younger comics. That's what I love about YKWD. He wants to give people a format to be heard who can't.

Jim is phony. Jim sees all these Louie memes with introspective quotes on them every day when he looks at Twitter every 2 minutes and he goe"Yeah, I can be that!". And he can't. Because he's an idiot and he thinks he's smarter and more cultured and experienced than he is. He keeps trying to pass on this nonexistent knowledge. It's ugly person syndrome. What you lack in looks and physicality, you try to make up for in culture and intellectuality

Trust me, I have it

Christ, you hit the nail on the head. I also love Bobby for being genuine with the newer comics, he helped Joe List, Luis, Soder, and quite a few other dudes that are genuinely good comics.

Jim "helps" newer women comics by letting them open for him and trying to friend them into pity-fucking him, all while pretending it's not a transparent plan to everyone else. Just like he went on a "friend" date weekend with that girl to see a windmill, told the whole story, and acted like he wasn't sulking about getting rejected / not sleeping with her.

Jim has shit on everyone for years on O+A, but when people here / Twitter / etc. joke with him even a little bit he blocks them or comes on here and throws a fit like the "baby boy" he's always calling anyone who calls in. He somehow reveres Carlin and Pryor, while retaining zero percent knowledge of how to be inspired by them. Jim does early to mid 90s edgy shock jock standup with references that are dated by the time the specials come out. Carlin and Pryor did timeless material with social commentary that can still be laughed at today. I love him on the old shows because he was silly or lightning quick with jokes, but I've tried watching all of his specials and just don't find it funny at all. Not in the "humor is subjective" funny, but more "why do you think turtling your head out and blinking after a punchline about Joe Paterno is worthy of putting on a special?"

Carlin was the worst offender of pontificating and scolding the audience. Fuck him I hated that shit.

Most of these comics are genuinely fucking miserable though, thats whats so hilarious about it all. Its a whole lot of lying to yourself that brings the whole 'civilian' thing out.

most fucking decent sized rock stars really don't think in 'regular people wouldn't get it' ways. they realise how lucky they are and they're 50x more 'important' than goddam comics

You mean HS drop outs

Are you a civilian?

*Sniffs large line of cocaine...

that truly is derosa's act

Except Joe tends to use racial slurs. Particularly against the blacks.

Joe "I wish Hitler also killed the blacks" DeRosa

Joe "The holocaust never happened but I wish it did" DeRosa

Joe "It Never Happened But It Should Have And It Will" Derosa


Quit trying to fix your act here DeRosa.


All the muckety mucks with the big opinions and their big speeches should get a real job and see how they like it. Just give me a thermo with coffee in the morning and you have a full day's Joe putting in hard work.


I can't work out if pretending to be retarded is a bit or not


opinion + can't draw = reposted on 4chan for years

That comic is pretty on point, I'd say.

Comedians are the ones who should be paid better because they fight for our liberties! Fuck the army, all you need is a Kurt Metzger joke to defend this great nation.

People who did Philosophy degrees are annoying little shits.

Be more vague and off-topic.


No he's not. He might be trying to do that though. Possibly because he is a sensitive philosophy grad/barrista!?

No that's wrong. Yeah you're right.

More comics please. Can you do a comic about me?

Riveting stuff

whoever has the mic, wins. it's just that simple

This is shockingly accurate.

I like how the comedian is clearly Jewish

I would like to see a comedian vs OP on their channel. Make this zero actually debate his ideas against someone who disagrees with him.

Why does that man on the left have such a large nose?

it means he's a real "you know what"

This comic seems like it was drawn by some autistic philosophy major with a chip (wazzat?) on his shoulder.

The only value comedians' opinions have in the world is that it's a different way to think. The same reason that occasionally an engineer will have a good point on something you hadn't heard, because they think differently. The only reason we prefer comedians is because they are occasionally funny about whatever their point is.

Bill Hicks was very funny

If this comment gets downvotes, it's clear why I also get them.

Sounds just like something a civilian would say

You mean HS drop outs

Are you a civilian?

But the self-importance is infuriating.

This is it, this is it right here.

You see, comedians, a lot of what they do, is make fun of people.

People fucking love that. It's what comedy is literally based on. Making fun of people, groups (of people) or organizations (also, of people)

Carlin did it and he said some shit I don't agree with but he was NEVER intolerable because he always tempered it with silly shit. "Napalm, and SILLY PUTTY". It's why he's the best.

And it's why Jim "Finger in my ass! Come on, folks, let's see those hands ladies? Hi, daddy!" Norton, who fucking pontificates like Socrates, never will have mainstream anything. Every birthday he has, he will do more and more sellout shit. Believe me.

Bobby "Fat Stupid Unfunny Faggot" Kelly is actually worse, because he's even more self important, fucking SOMEHOW, having said even less funny shit.

Even when I didn't hate Opie (!!!) I never liked Fat Bob Kelly. You'd have Norton and Patrice and Burr just fucking hitting dingers like Murderer's Row and then you'd have Bobby saying fucking NOTHING. Fuck him and fuck comedians.

Most of these comics are genuinely fucking miserable though, thats whats so hilarious about it all. Its a whole lot of lying to yourself that brings the whole 'civilian' thing out.

most fucking decent sized rock stars really don't think in 'regular people wouldn't get it' ways. they realise how lucky they are and they're 50x more 'important' than goddam comics