Louis C.k a sexual offender according to Roseanne Barr

5  2016-07-02 by Kingcobrac


"He has always had an underlying creepiness about him, so I believe it."

162 people agree with this statement. Jesus fuck that is scary.

Daily mail comments are worse than this place

why is it scary?

we all have heard him talk about jacking off in front of retarded girls, he is a creep. also he probably hates this sub for being full of white males, probably calls this place a hive of unfuckable hate nerds.

fuck him he gets what he deserves that pretentious douche

That's a lot of anger over hypothetical things he "probably" says. I'd be willing to bet he's never even heard of this sub.

Jay Mohr, is that you?

This upcoming week I guarentee that we will see an article or two dissecting all of the "offensive" things Louis has said in his comedy specials.

ya kiddin!

Don't really like her but I could see Louie doing this, that's why he all feminist now to make up forcing girls to watch him jack it. Wonder if the worm has a comment? Maybe cbankslol should tweet the article to him.

Jim blocked me for asking "where the fuck are my Chip Chipperson cartoon perks?". I didn't donate and most people here probably haven't, but still.

I did however get Roseanne to RT me saying "daily remind that Louis CK forces comediennes to watch him masturbate while he blocks the door".

Yeah they're really trying to gain steam on this. I hooked up with this female comic from Philly once, and she was claiming that in the next year you're gonna hear a lot of claims coming forward about Louie doing this to women. Like women stepping up in non-Buzzfeed outlets to lay out a full report on what Louie did. She was almost giddy in relaying this too; as if she was welcoming his destruction.

wew lad. Well at least he didn't rape anyone.

She was almost giddy in relaying this to, as if she was welcoming his destruction.

most of the people here are welcoming his destruction too. he has been a pretentious douche the last 5 years, if his career is destroyed we will get the Louis CK we all know and love back.

He really needs to bring a lawsuit over this then if it's bullshit.

I love when the SJWs attack their cucked white male allies.

I know right?! SJW! Grrrr!

Hello again.

Been on any good slutwalks lately?

Grrr, slutwalks! Boooo, feminsm! SJW!

why is that such a trigger word? Isnt social justice a good thing? And youre a warrior for it. A warrior... I'd consider that to be an honor if I was a huge faggot.

You're a social justice warrior. You've been triggered. Sorry.

Yeah Ive never really understood the whole "just turn it around on them" argument either....its kinda just like saying "I know you are so what am I"...if you are on the side of vehement anti-racism anti-sexism...you are obviously the social justice one...why not come up with a better argument than just saying "I am rubber you are glue yada yada"?

Look, you can babble on as much as you want, but the reality is that you have been triggered. I triggered you. Too bad.

I lose. You win. Until next time....

No, I lose, you win, and I say FIRE.

Barr wrote last year on Twitter: 'I have 0 idea if Louie CK is a sexual offender or not-but there R MULTIPLE accusations'

God it sucks that twitter has become a place where people try to find legitimate news. If you're so clueless just shut the fuck up

I long for the day this pig goes for a swim and a sperm whale tries to mate with her.

Christ she's still alive?

So she has no personal proof, because really what man would ever want to masturbate in front of her, just things she's heard. That's all it takes to convict a person nowadays? Hearsay?

Hell I've heard Roseanne is a fat cunt who had her stomach stapled and is unfunny and smells of rotting beavers and tuna. Guess it's true.

I don't care for Louie since he became an obvious SJW but I hope he sues the fuck out of Roseanne and the newspaper. If he doesn't then either the rumors are true or he doesn't want to risk his status in pussified Hollywood by going after Roseanne.

With you there Dave, Roseanne is fairly obviously just pulling a convict first, ask questions later Nancy Grace style, and as much as I hate Louis these days, it would be great if he sued her/whatever website over this.